34: i hope ur ready to cry w me

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**yooooo i'm so sorry i forgot to put MANGA SPOILERS. it won't be just the manga story tho, it def has my own twist. sorry sorry sorry if you already read it and i fcked it up for uuuu.**

**Satoru POV: October 31st, 3:07pm**

I walked down the halls of jujutsu high, aching to finally be with Y/n. I had been gone another week for missions, and I hated being away from her for that long.

It had been a difficult few weeks to say the least. Y/n was no longer receiving missions... She was always herself around me and the students, but out in the field, she was unlike anything I've ever seen.

I had never been one to care much about the loss of life, specifically when it was unavoidable to get a job done. But lately, when she was on missions, if someone even breathed wrong she would end them.

It didn't matter if they were non-sorcerers, curse users, cursed spirits, or shaman. It made no difference to her anymore.

It was getting so hard for me to watch, I practically begged Yaga to quit sending her out, regardless of how extreme the situations got. It was not a good look for me, but I couldn't take it anymore.

I couldn't let her continue to slip further and further away. And until I actually had a plan as to how to help her regain some drop of empathy, I had to just keep her away from sorcery altogether.

She toned it down around the students, mostly because of Itadori, but I knew they could sense it too. There was a shift taking place inside her, and it terrified me.

Thankfully she had no idea I convinced Yaga to quit sending her. She just thought things had slowed down... But honestly, things were more out of control than ever.

The amount of curses and dire situations had escalated this past month, and I could actually really use the help. But if overworking myself was the price I had to pay to keep her safe, then it was an easy choice.

I opened the door to her room and immediately smiled as I saw her sitting crossed legged on her bed, her glasses slipping to the tip of her nose as she read a book.

She looked up as she pushed the frames up her face, "Satoru!"

She rushed over and threw her arms around me, practically knocking me over with her hug. I let out a laugh as I held her. I loved how excited she always got to see me.

"Hello my love," I smiled as I gave her a kiss, a light tint of chapstick on her lips. Her obsession with chapstick was another thing I loved about her. Her lips were always so damn soft.

"Ah! I missed you so much!" she dragged me over and we sat on the edge of her bed. She instantly took of my blindfold so she could look at me.

"I missed you too," I grabbed her hand and gave it a soft kiss as I stared into her eyes.

"I hope our kids don't have to wear these," I teased as I pushed up her glasses.

"What!? What's wrong with my glasses!?"

"Can you imagine our children needing glasses just to see when their dad has the Six Eyes of the Gojo clan!? How embarrassing for them!!"

She laughed as she shook her head, filling the room with the sweet sound of her voice. I wanted to watch her laugh like that forever.

I couldn't believe she was the same girl who I had been fighting next to these past few weeks... How could she change so drastically?

"Well, I happen to think they're cute," she smiled at me as she crossed her arms.

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