28: Switch

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** SPOILERS w/ my own twist tho. **
don't say i didn't warn u 💔

We stood outside of a large, abandoned building. Probably a former hospital by the look of it.

Cursed energy was oozing out of it even from our current distance. They said there was for sure a special grade in the area, but it definitely felt like more than one...

"Y/n-sensei!? What are we waiting for?!" Kugisaki asked. Her voice always held a tinge of frustration and annoyance.

"I don't like that there's a barrier around this warehouse," I explained. "I don't understand what they're protecting."

"Or hiding," Megumi added.

"Mm," I mumbled in agreement.

"A barrier? This close to cursed spirits? Wouldn't that mean there's probably some cursed-users?" Yuuji asked.


I turned to face the three of them, "Look, no matter what, I want you three to stick together if possible. If you get separated, just try to make your way back to each other. Not to me. Understand?"

"We're all getting ready to be first grades. You don't need to worry about us," Kugisaki smirked as she waved her hands dismissively.

"You're all perfectly capable," I said as I walked forward, the three trailing closely behind me. "But I'm lead on this, so follow my instructions."

They didn't say much after that. The tone in my voice probably shocking them a bit. It wasn't that I was scared of what we would find, I just knew something was off.

But I couldn't place exactly what it was. With everything that's happened with Yuuji, I was worried this was another setup to get him killed.

I knew that if he stayed with Megumi and Kugisaki, they'd have his back, but I couldn't risk him being alone. And I wasn't confident I'd be available.

My eyes widened as we walked inside the first room.

"Stop!" I yelled out and shot out a darkness barrier so that they couldn't see what I was looking at.

Yuuji pounded on the black veil, "Y/n?! Y/n! What is it!?"

With tears in my eyes I walked over to the lifeless body, crouching down before him. It was Kokichi Muta, the second year from Kyoto.

I stared at his disfigured body, warped from whatever curse he encountered that killed him. His skin was pale and ice cold.

He had definitely been dead for awhile, and based off the position of his body, someone had moved him here. They moved him here for us to find.

I shadowed him in my technique so the students wouldn't be able to see, similar to a body bag, and removed my barrier, allowing them all to rush over towards me.

"Heh? Is that just a dead body underneath there?" Kugisaki tilted her head. "We've all seen them before. Why'd you stop us?"

"It doesn't matter," I called in a shaky voice.

"Y/n..." Megumi trailed off as he stared at me tear-stained cheeks.

"We have to keep moving, but I'm coming back for this body. So if things get bad and you need to flee, leave me behind."

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