24: Resolutions

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**for those who celebrate it, happy easter. for those who don't, happy sunday where i release two more chapterssss cuz i'm bored. i hope u like em!**

It had been a little over a day since I first woke up, and according to everyone but Satoru, that was plenty of time for me to recover.

So now, I was sitting around a small conference table waiting for this meeting to start. They wanted a report on what happened with Geto and to start planning our next steps.

The room was filled with pretty much everyone that was there when I found out about my clan. I sat on the far side of the table, Satoru situated closely next to me. I definitely wasn't feeling up to this quite yet, and it was showing.

"Y/n, glad you're better," Mei said as she sat across from me.

"I'm not better."

"Well, we're glad you're alive," Yaga added.

I adjusted my hoodie and mask before slouching down into my seat further. Honestly, I had a raging headache and just wanted to be curled up into a ball. Not here where I was about to undergo some intense interrogation.

"Ieiri, can you update us on her condition?" he asked.

"She has a concussion and suffered from head trauma. It's why she was in a coma for a few days. I'm not entirely sure how since she didn't have any blunt force to her head. My best guess is it's linked to the technique she encountered."

"What kind of head trauma?"

"Internal bleeding."


"Mm," she nodded as she lit a cigarette. "But I addressed that first. Now it's the concussion and leftover side effects of going through that type of trauma."

Gakuganji spoke up, "Do we know what type of technique?"

Everyone was silent as they stared at me, Ieiri just shaking her head softly.

"I see. Well, let's just start at the beginning then. Y/n? Care to tell us about your encounter?"

"Um, well..." I sighed as I trailed off. My head was still a foggy mess. It was still so hard to concentrate, and knowing they didn't really care that I wasn't ready for this made part of me want to break down.

"He, uh, paid for my tea, then sat with me. We introduced ourselves. He said my parents would be proud that I embraced my clan, and he tried to recruit me."

"And then what?" Yaga asked.

Gakuganji ignored his question, "Embraced your clan?"

I stared blankly at the table, avoiding the eyes of everyone around me, "I introduced myself to him as Sato. That was before I knew who he was."

I noticed Satoru shift uncomfortably in his chair, as most of the others shot glares in my direction.

"So you're going by Sato now?" Gakuganji hissed.

I shrugged, "It is my name, isn't it? Y/n Sato has a nice ring to it."

"After everything you learned!?" he yelled at me, and the loud sound sent a sharp pain through my head.

I winced, "Please, don't yell. It hurts."

Satoru reached over and placed his hand on my leg. I quickly grabbed it and intertwined our fingers, holding onto him tightly. I didn't want to lose his warmth.

Gakuganji sighed, "Fine. Just go on."

"He told me his goal was to finish carrying out the Sato clan's mission of ridding the world of non-sorcerers. That's when I took off out of the cafe. I didn't want things to get out of control with so many innocent people around."

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