20: Falling

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**hi issa flashback**

"Fucking fight me, Nanami!!" I yelled as I got up off the ground and charged at him.

He was taking it easy on me like always, and it was really starting to piss me off.

"You're beginning to annoy me," he stated coldly as he dodged my attacks.

I spun to land a kick on his face, and he blocked it as if it was nothing. He grabbed my leg and flipped me over his shoulder, slamming me into the ground without a second thought.

The blow took my breath away and as I popped back up onto my feet, I took a moment to wipe the blood from my mouth, examining it with a smirk.

"I said I'm finished for the day," he drilled his eyes into me.

I ignored him and charged again, but as I swung a punch, he stepped to the side, causing me to lose my footing. He grabbed the back of my shirt and threw me to the ground.

"Train with the other students before you waste my time again," he snarled as he watched me sit on the ground in defeat before walking away.

I had been here for well over three months, but I felt like I wasn't improving at all. I let out a loud groan of frustration as I threw my arms against the earth below me.

My hair was a sweaty mess as it stuck to my forehead and face. I felt the cuts and bruises littered across my body. My clothes were dirty and tattered.

I didn't need a mirror to know how absolutely beat up I looked. After a moment, I stood back to my feet and lightly dusted myself off.

I was so tired of feeling like the weakest link. My cursed technique came so naturally ever since I started my training, but I was such a shitty fighter.

I rolled my eyes as I heard an obnoxious laugh in the distance.

"Oh Y/n," the annoying little man-child cooed as he approached me.

Without acknowledgement, I turned around and began to walk away which only made him laugh louder.

"You can't run from me forever," he teased as he now trailed closely behind me.

"What do you want Gojo," I huffed out in annoyance.

"I thought I told you to call me Satoru," I wasn't looking at him but I could picture the smug smirk on his face.

As I continued to walk away he grabbed my arm, making me turn to face him, "It's not very respectful to walk away from your superior."

I stared at his blindfolded face. I hated how I couldn't see his eyes, and yet I knew he could somehow still see all my movements, emotions, and reactions.

"Why don't you ever ask me to train with you?" he grinned as he crossed his arms.

"Don't you have students of your own to tend to?"

"Mm, I rather tend to you."

"Goodbye, Gojo," I muttered.

"Y/n!" he laughed as he called my name. "Y/n wait!"

I kept walking as I heard the sound of him running after me again. I sighed, "Look, I'm a little worn out for this."

"When are you going to finally let me take you out?" he walked next to me as he rested his hands behind his head, his face turned towards me as if he was looking for some reaction of approval.

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