Chapter 3

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"Ow, ow, ow!" Peter groaned as he walked with a slight limp to the kitchen. "She does not mess around." He mutters to himself pulling open the fridge and saw there was a shelf in the fridge marked Peter. He smiled and noticed each avenger got their own shelf. He grabbed some water and grapes from his shelf and an ice pack from the freezer.

"No, she doesn't." A voice said behind him causing Peter to jump and drop the ice pack, he spun around and saw a guy dressed in purple and black sitting at the counter across from him eating an apple.

"Jeeeez, give a guy some warning, huh."

"You're the new guy right? Spider-kid?" He asked ignoring Peter's statement.

"It's Spider-MAN." Peter replied a bit of tension entering his voice.

"Really? What are you 16?"

"I'm 21!" Peter exclaimed.

"Hawkeye. You can call me Clint." He said stretching his hand out to Peter with a smirk knowing he got under Peter skin.

"Peter." Peter replied shaking Clint's hand and giving him a nod before picking up his ice pack and webbing it to his side before taking a seat.

"Cool webbing. Kinda creepy but cool." Clint said with a small laugh, Peter took the somewhat compliment. "I saw some of your training. Cool moves, saw how you take down Cap."

"How? Where were you in the room?"

"Ah, like I'd give that away." He said with a chuckle tapping his nose. "Nat, she doesn't hold back. Ever. Shit I'm her best friend and she'll never give me a break." He said laughing, rubbing the back of his head like he was remembering an old injury. "Only reason any of us last so long is because we know her a long time and we train on the regular. So don't let her whooping your ass bring you down. She does it to the best of us." Peter laughed and thanked Clint, he did need to hear something like that.

"How often does she whoop your ass."

"...No comment." They shared a laugh then Clint headed in the direction of the training room. Peter decided to reinforce the webbing on the ice pack before heading back to his room to shower and change. Once he had changed he went to check on the suit being fabricated, it was only a 10th of the way done. It was taking longer because he changes to settings to a higher performance meaning it would take longer but the result would be better, there was a rush mode he noticed incase he was desperate or something. Once he had changed into some jeans and a hoodie he decided to go down to the main lab.

"What did we miss?"

"Everything good Tony?" Peter asked as he walked into the lab, Tony swivelled round to see Peter in the door way.

"Oh hey kid. Yeah it's fine. The experiment me and Bruce were working on isn't really going well."

"Well maybe I can help, give some incite?"

"Yeah sure kid. Not today though, I've had enough of it right now." He said wiping his hand over his face slowly. "JARVIS told me you went down to the training room. How was training with Capsicle and Romanoff?"

"Oh pretty good. Got one over on Cap."

"Nice one."

"Then Nat taught me a lesson and whooped my ass." Peter continued, rubbing his side where the now healed side still felt a bit sore.

"Not so nice."

"Met Clint as well. Cool guy, little douchey but I like him."

"Ah Barton. Good to hear you've met most of the team. Only Bruce and Thor left." Tony noted.

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