Chapter 8: The Alliance

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We appeared in the center of the Throne Room. A couple of feet away from us was Hestia, who was tending to the hearth as always.

She didn't realize we were there until I called out her name. She walked over and smiled, "Percy, Hope, it's good to see you."

She then noticed the two unconscious supernaturals and asked, "Who are they? And why are they unconscious?"

I explained, "Aunt Hestia, they are supernaturals. Like Hope. As for the reason they're unconscious, I'll explain once the others are here. Could you call a meeting please?"

Hestia nodded and summoned the rest of the Olympians.

Within a matter of seconds, they had all flashed onto their thrones.

Zeus was the first to speak. He asked, "Perseus, why have you brought two mortals to Olympus?"

I said, "Over the past couple of months, supernaturals and demigods have been murdered throughout the country. The fact that the identity of the murderer is driving the supernaturals crazy. These murders tend to happen in places with large supernatural populations. New Orleans has the largest, and that's where the murders started. And where many of them have occurred. There is a lot of unrest between the three main supernatural species. This unrest could lead to war between them, and a war would reveal the Mythological world to the mortals. Just a few minutes ago, Hope and I dealt with a fight in broad daylight between the witches and vampires of New Orleans. The two unconscious people here are their leaders. The Regent, Vincent Griffith, and the leader of the vampires, Antoinette Sienna. I figured that if anyone could get them to work together, and not fight, it would be the Olympians."

My dad looked at Zeus and said, "This is a serious issue, brother."

Zeus nodded, "I agree. Apollo, wake them up."

Apollo walked over to the two supernaturals and knelt over them. He touched both of their heads, and they soon started to stir.

As Apollo sat back down on his throne, Vincent and Antoinette came to their senses.

Vincent immediately stood up and yelled at me, "You fucking son of a bitch! You should've stayed the fuck out of it! The---"

Vincent stopped himself once he realized that Hope and I weren't the only other people in the room.

I smirked, "Vincent Griffith, Antoinette Sienna, meet the Olympians."

Both of their eyes bulged out of their sockets and their jaws dropped before they started to bow.

I commented, "You wouldn't want to catch flies, now would you."

Hope facepalmed.

Zeus and the other Olympians seemed to be having a mental conversation. Zeus then said, "Perseus here has informed us about the Supernatural murders. The Supernaturals will have the full support of Olympus to help in finding this killer. We would like to also establish a relationship with the Supernaturals that would allow us to become allies and work together, so that demigods, gods, and Supernaturals can co-exist. After all, we both wish to keep our worlds hidden from mortals. However, vampires, witches, and werewolves must make peace with one another. If any fighting occurs between them, this... alliance will end. Do you accept this offer?"

Vincent and Antoinette looked at each other and nodded. Vincent spoke for both of them, "We accept your offer."

Zeus looked at the other Olympians and asked, "Does anyone have anything else to add?"

Everyone shook their head. Zeus said, "Then meeting adjourned."

Zeus then flashed the two Supernatural leaders back to New Orleans.

As Hope and I were preparing to leave, three figures flashed into the room. The Fates.

They made their way over to us and one of them said, "Perseus Jackson, Hope Mikaelson, we must speak with you. It is about your child."

Both of our eyes widened. This can't be good.

But before we could respond, someone cleared their throat.

Hope and I turned our heads to see the Olympians still sitting on their thrones.

All I could say was, "Surprise."

I saw Apollo facepalm through the corner of my eye as the other gods' eyes widened in surprise.

Within a matter of seconds, Hope and I were bombarded with Olympians congratulating us. Once it was all over, Clotho, the fate of birth said, "If we could go somewhere more private, it would be greatly appreciated."

I nodded and led them into a different room.

Hope then asked, "What did you want to tell us about our baby?"

Clotho explained, "As you know Perseus, because you are the God of Heroes, the Ancient Laws preventing gods from interacting with mortals on a regular basis do not apply to you."

I nodded. 

On the outside, I looked calm, but inside, I was going nuts. Where's she going with this?

Clotho continued, "However, you cannot physically be a part of your child's life until they learn of the Greek world on their own."

My mind went blank. I could feel my heart pounding. This can't be true!

"What?!" I said. The volume of my voice was extremely close to a shout.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that out of the 7 billion mortals on the planet, the only one I cannot interact with is my child!?"

Clotho nodded her head slowly.

Hope put her hand on my shoulder and said, "It's okay. I'll still be with them."

Hope turned to the Fates, "Right?"

Clotho shook her head, "Unfortunately, you cannot either. Even though you are mortal, your child must be raised outside of both the Supernatural and Greek worlds. Only an actual mortal can raise your child."

Hope looked at me and opened her mouth. But before she could say anything, Lachesis, the fate of life, cut in, "Alaric Saltzman is too closely related to the Supernatural world. He cannot raise your child either."

I looked her in the eyes and asked, "Then who can?"

She said, "A mortal who knows nothing of the two worlds, or a mortal who is detached from them."

Clotho then said, "The rule stating that the gods of Olympus must claim their children by age thirteen will not apply to your child. Perseus, you may only claim them when they arrive at Camp Half-Blood. In no way are you to tell their guardian to send them to Camp Half-Blood. They will arrive there when it is time."

With that, the three fates flashed away, leaving Hope and I shocked. Unsure of the future of our child.

Hope looked at me with tears in her eyes.

I pulled into a comforting hug and said, "Don't worry, babe. It'll be alright. We'll think of something."

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