Chapter 6: My First Class

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I woke up to the sound of Hope banging on my door. She said, "Percy, wake up! You're gonna be late for our first class."

I grunted, "Ugh, coming."

I looked at the time: 7:00. I slowly got out of my bed and put on a blue hoodie, and black shorts.

Once I had gotten ready, and I had splashed some water on my face, I headed down to breakfast.

I sat with Nico, Hope, Landon, and five other people. I introduced myself, "Percy Jackson, nice to meet you."

One by one, they all introduced themselves. Rafael was Landon's werewolf foster brother. He had dark brown eyes, and black hair that was a little curly. Even though they weren't blood-related, they looked nothing alike.

Next was MG. He also had dark brown eyes, but he had dark brown hair in an Afro. He was a vampire.

Kaleb was vampire as well. He has brown eyes and long dreads.

Finally, there were the Saltzman Twin, Alaric's two daughters. They looked nothing alike. Lizzie had blonde hair and blue eyes, while Josie had brown hair and eyes. They were both witches.

Hope then asked, "So is it true that you and Nico are cousins?"

I nodded, "Yeah. Though, I consider him to be my little brother. Isn't that right, Neeks?"

His face turned red.

We talked for a few more minutes before it was time to go to our first class. I asked Hope, "What do we have?"

She responded, "History. This year, we're learning about Greek Mythology."

I fist pumped.

Hope laughed, "What was that for?"

I explained, "My dad's Greek. Same for Nico. They're brothers."

Hope nodded her head, accepting my answer as she lead me to our first class of our senior year.

I followed her into your basic classroom. It had desks, chairs, and a chalkboard? You would think a fancy boarding school like this would have the best technology, but then again, this isn't your normal boarding school.

I sat down with Nico sitting to my left, and Hope to my right. Everyone I was sitting with a breakfast was in this class, and some other people I haven't met yet.

A man probably in his early thirties then came into the room. He had black hair and brown eyes. He's probably the teacher. He greeted, "Welcome back. To those of you who don't know me, my name is Dorian Williams. You can call me Dorian, I won't get mad."

He continued, "I'm your history teacher, and the librarian. This year, you will be learning about Greek Mythology. I'll be giving you a pretest, and after that, I'll teach you about the Age of the Titans."

Dorian picked up a pile of papers, before distributing it to all of us.

I quickly looked over the test. Since I'm a god now, my dyslexia has gotten a lot better, so it's now easier to read English. 

1. Who are the Big Three Gods?

A: Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.

2. List the 12 Olympian Gods

A: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Ares, Dionysus, Demeter, Aphrodite, and Hephaestus.

3. Who is the Lord of Time?

Me, obviously.

A: Kronos

4. Who is the King of the Gods?

A: Zeus

5. Which two Olympians are twins?

A: Apollo and Artemis.

Nico and I finished at the same time, and we were the first ones to turn in our pretests. Dorian looked impressed.

Once everyone was done, Dorian announced, "Now, I'll teach you about the Titan War."

At this point, I began to zone out. No need to pay attention to something I already know about. I pretty much knew the story like the back of my hand.

I fiddled with my pen for a few minutes when he said something that caught my attention. He said, "The reason Kronos was cut up was because all Mythological beings cannot be killed. So this made it next to impossible for him to return."

I mentally snorted at his last remark before correcting, "They can be killed."

Dorian eyed me and asked, "I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"Mythological beings can be killed." I stated. 

I then explained, "They can't die. For example, the Nemean Lion is a Mythological being, and it has been slain. When they are killed, they go to Tartarus to reform. Eventually, they will return. However, all Mythological beings can fade. That's an immortal's equivalent to dying, but it's extremely hard to accomplish."

Dorian asked, "You know a lot about Greek Mythology. What's your name?"

"Percy Jackson," I replied.

He looked at the clock and said, "Well, nice to meet you, Percy. Anyways, class is over for today. For tomorrow, I would like you to write me a summary of how Kronos was overthrown."

With that, he dismissed us to go to our next class.

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