Chapter 13: The Search Pt. 1

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Hope POV:

It's been over an hour since Percy left, and since, we kissed. But that was in the back of my mind right now. He should have been back.

I know he can handle himself, but it was driving me crazy.

I went into his room and looked around for a drachma. Percy had told me about Iris Messaging and how to do it.

Once I had found a drachma, I use a spell to create a rainbow and I said, "O Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Nico di Angelo."

I used Fleecy because Percy also said that since I'm not a demigod, Fleecy would be the only one whov would create a connection.

An image formed and Nico came into view.

He immediately noticed me and asked, "Hope? How are you IMing me?"

I didn't answer his question. Instead I said, "It doesn't matter. Last week, after you left Percy got a letter from Hercules to meet him at the top of the Golden Gate bridge. If he didn't show up, Hercules would kill his family. That meeting was an hour ago, and Percy should have returned."

Nico's eyes widened, "What?! Okay Hope, listen to me very carefully. I need you to tell Alaric about everything. Tell him that Percy's missing and tell him about what we are. Jason, Piper, and I will come to the school once we inform the Olympians. Alaric will need to know everything if we're to find Percy. And ask if he has any connections in San Francisco."

I nodded as he cut the connection.

"This was gonna be fun." I said to myself.

I walked down to his office and I knocked on the door.

After a few seconds, he said, "Come in."

I closed the door behind me, locked it, and I put a silencing spell in the room, so no one would come in or hear our conversation.

Dr. Saltzman asked, "Whoa, that seems a little extreme for a conversation."

I sat down and replied, "What I'm about to say will sound crazy, but remember this is a school for the Supernatural."

Dr. Saltzman raised his eyebrow, "Okay?"

I explained, "The Greek Gods are real. They created Supernaturals. And every once in a while, they have sex with a normal human, and demigods are born. Percy is one of them. Actually, he's a god now. Nico too. I'm telling you this because that letter Percy got last week was a threat from Hercules. Percy went to meet him over an hour ago. He should have been back by now. Nico, and two of Percy's friends are gonna come here to lead the search for him."

Dr. Saltzman stared at me for a minute before he said, "Hope, that's insane. I mean, yeah, the Greek Gods being real kind of makes sense. It explains how Supernaturals were created. But Percy getting a threat from Hercules? Hercules has been dead for over two thousand years."

I shook my head, "He was made a god after he died."

He asked, "So all demigods become gods after they die?"

I shook my head again, "No. Only the ones who have done significant things."

"So what did Percy and Nico do?"

I said, "Well, Percy's done a lot of things. As for Nico, he played a huge part in some of Percy's accomplishments. To name a few, he faded Kronos, lead two wars, and saved the world on multiple occasions."

His mouth gaped open, "A FEW?"

I nodded, "I don't even know everything. He told me the short version, and it took him two minutes."

He said, "Well, I do know someone in San Francisco. I helped him out a few years before I came to Mystic Falls. I'll ask him to keep his eyes open."


I undid the silencing spell and I unlocked the door.

Lizzie barged in and said, "Dad, Nico's back. He brought two people with him."

Dr. Saltzman said, "Yeah. I know. Why don't you two come with me."

He got up and we followed him to the main entrance.

Lizzie whispered in my ear, "I call dibs on the hot blonde guy."

I rolled my eyes at her, "He's all yours. If you can get him to break up with the girl he's with."

Her eyes widened, "He's dating her? How do you know that?"

I said, "They're friends of Percy's. I met them while in New York."

We walked into the main entrance way, and Dr. Saltzman said, "Nico, it's good to see you. I'm Alaric Saltzman. Nice to meet you two."

Dr. Saltzman stuck his hand out and Jason and Piper both shook it. Dr. Saltzman continued, "Nico, could you take them to my office. I have to make a call."

Nico nodded as Dr. Saltzman stepped into an empty classroom.

Landon, Raf, M.G., Kaleb, and Josie walked past the three gods, and met up with Lizzie and I.

Josie asked, "Who was that with Nico."

I explained, "They're friends of Percy's."

Landon quickly pointed out, "If they're friends of Percy's, where is he?"

Kaleb nodded, "Yeah. To be honest, I haven't seen him in a few hours. And he looked kind of stressed out and tired."

Lizzie's eyes bulged out of her head, "Wait, did you two have sex last night?"

I instantly shook my head, "No! Why would you even think that?"

M.G. said, "Well, he had to be stressed out about something. And you two have gotten really close."

Thank god, or the gods that Dr. Saltzman came back at that moment and said, "Hope, I talked to my friend, He said he'll ask around."

Josie asked, "Who? Do you know where Percy is."

I locked eyes with Dr. Saltzman and said, "Might as well tell them."

I turned back to them and I said, "Percy's missing. That's why Nico brought Jason and Piper. Landon, that letter Percy got last week was a threat. He had to meet Hercules at the top of the Golden Gate Bridge a few hours ago. If he didn't go, his family would die."

Raf asked, "Hercules Hercules? Like the Greek one?"

I explained everything to them.

After a minute, Kaleb said, "Well damn."

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