Chapter 11: The Letter

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I groaned as my alarm clock woke me up.

After the Solstice, I took Hope to Olympus. I think she handled the fact that it was designed by my dead girlfriend pretty well.

Today, was our first day back.

I went down to breakfast and saw Landon talking to Hope. Landon immediately noticed me and asked, "How was your break? I heard you and Hope had a lot of fun."

I glanced at Hope, before looking back at Landon.

"Yeah, we had fun." I replied.

I sat down and grabbed a protein bar. Nico came down a few minutes later, with a suitcase trailing behind him.

Raf asked, "Where are you going?"

Nico said, "A family emergency. It just happened last night. I'll be back in a few weeks."

Nico looked at Hope and I and asked, "Can I talk to you two for a minute."

We followed him into an empty hallway. He explained, "I'm going to go help Jason and Piper with their investigation into the missing gods."

Hope's eyes widened, "Missing gods?"

Nico nodded, "Yeah. Jason and Piper, two of the seven, are in charge of the investigation. Make sure Percy doesn't fade while I'm gone."

Looking at me, Hope said, "Don't worry. I will."

"Hey!" I complained, "I can take care of myself just fine."

Nico smirked as he shadow traveled away.

Hope said, "Come on. We're gonna be late."

We sat down in our History seats, and I pulled out Riptide, in pen form, so I could fidget with it.

Dorian greeted, "I hope everyone had a nice winter break. But breaks over and it's time to learn about Half-Bloods, otherwise known as demigods."

Hope looked at me and I smirked. This was gonna be fun.

I put Riptide back into my pocket and Dorian said, "Demigods are half human, half god. One parent is a human and the other is a god. Almost all of the Greek heroes are demigods."

To be honest, they're all demigods, or legacies. It's impossible for a mortal to even come close to what's been done in the "legends."

Also, the mist existed back in Ancient Greece. The legends were told by clear-sighted mortals who saw them occur, or they were told as bedtime stories.

Hope whispered to me, "As the God of Time, can't you make this class go any faster?"

I shook my head, "I don't think I can. And right now, I can't control it at will. It just slows down when I need it to."

Hope replied, "You've been a god for what, 6 months? You don't know how to use your own powers?"

I retorted, "Yeah well, it's not like they come with a user's manual."

Hope shook her head, "Well that's too bad."

I focused back onto what Dorian was saying. "However, it is believed that demigods were what people called Supernaturals back then. Spells cast by witches could have been elemental, and werewolves are physically superior to humans in everything."

I mentally scoffed. He doesn't know how lucky he is, since Zeus didn't smite him on the spot for that remark.

Dorian continued, "Some people even think that the Greek Gods were just really powerful Supernaturals."

As soon as he said that, thunder rumbled in the background.

Landon quipped, "Someone didn't agree with that."

The whole class burst into laughter. I just cracked a smile.

Hope said, in between laughs, "If only he knew how right he was."

After that, the bell rang and class was dismissed.

Landon came up to Hope and I and asked, "That thunder had perfect timing. Do you really think that gods are real?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. People getting Supernatural abilities out of nowhere doesn't really make sense. There has to be a reason why people get them, and others don't."

Hope said, "Same."

Landon nodded.

"Percy!" A voice called from behind me.

I turned around to see Alaric holding an envelope in his hand.

He handed it to me and said, "This came in the mail. It's for you."

I opened it and it was in Ancient Greek. It read:

Perseus Jackson,

In one weeks time, you will meet me at the top of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco at 6:00 p.m. ET. If you are not there, your mother, step-father, and little sister, Estelle, will die a slow and painful death, like I did.

                                                                                                          Come alone,


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