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Two Month Time Jump.

"Okay so I got ice cream, mint chip of course and whatever those seed weed snacks are that you asked for" you said walking into Spencers apartment dropping the groceries on the counter top.

"That's why I love you!" he giggled wrapping you in a hug behind resting his head in your shoulder. Turning your body from his grasp you pushed your lips to his roughly.

"I have an idea before our movie night" you smirk breaking the kiss. Your small hands roamed his toned chest slowly sinking further and further before meeting his crotch, palming it slowly. "If your up for of course..." his breath hitched before gripping your hair and pushing you down to your knees.

The cold tiles transferred through your body. He fumbled with his belt, throwing it on the floor, and pulling down his slacks. He wore a pair of gray boxers, his erection making a nice imprint in them. You smirked to yourself before yanking down his boxers. Your mouth met his tip painfully slow, your mouth swirling around the pre-cum. "Stop teasing me" he growled yanking you off him by your hair.

"Yes Doctor i'm sorry" you apologized innocently. Before you even had the chance he pushed his dick into your mouth, thrusting his hips as he rapidly fucked your face.

He hits the back of your throat making you gag over him. "Taking it like a good girl" he praised before grunting. Your hands moving to the rest of his length you couldn't fit inside you mouth.

Howling your cheeks, you sucked while the rest of him was occupied by your hands. His head flew back in pleasure.

For never giving head you have to admit you weren't bad for the priceless look on his face. 

His grip on your hand tightened indicating he was close. You already planned on swollwing mama ain't raise no bitch.

Your didn't let up on your pace, taking him as far as you possibly can making you gag again. His dick twitch in your mouth and without warning he shot his load into your throat moaning your name.


"This doesn't make any sense who carries a gun like its heavier than them?!" Spencer complained looking at the TV crime show you chose to watch.

"From what I hear that's how you used to carry it..." you snickered. It was true too, Morgan showed you a video and it was hilarious. Honestly he looked like a twig back than. "What no its not" he says in a high pitched voice like he is offended.

"Okay whatever you say Spence"

He placed his hand over his chest like he was truly offended. 

After the accident you spent most of your time in the hospital, but Spencer stayed by your side helping heal. The more time you spent with him showed how much he truly cared for you. After the first week your relationship began to grow into something amazing, sharing love. He made your heart flutter in no way another man could and every moment with him is a breath of fresh air.

"When are you visiting your parents?" you planned on going tomorrow and staying for a few days to finally talk about the letters and Mikayla. For you, you saw it as too early for them to meet Spencer an he agrees.

"Tomorrow and ill stay for three days I have some things to work out with them" 

What you failed to mention is that your parents killed your sister who tried to kill you out of jealously and now your family doesn't talk about her. But alas that can be saved for another day, not anytime soon.

Yes, you want the spend the rest of your life with him but he will insist that your parents are arrested. That's a situation you didn't want to deal with now so bending the truth isn't bad.

"Speaking of which I should probably go home and pack" you suggested patting his knee as you got up from laying on his lap. Overwhelming safety came with being around him. 

"are you sure you will be okay?"

"Yes Spencer c'mon its been two months"

He sighed like you were going to miraculously die on the five minute drive home. Sometimes it doesn't sound like a bad idea, but alas you can't do that. "Okay but please drive safe" he pleaded pulling you in for a hug. Warmth from his body transferred to you making your heart beat faster. The smell of books and coffee filled your nose.

"I can't breath" you patted his back making his loose the tight grip around your body. 

"I love you-- be safe!" he really emphasized the last part causing you to giggle. Why would you go 100 down the road for no reason? Not sure he is just looking out for you.

"I will I love you too" you said before walking out the door. 

White snow coated the ground like a blanket for the Earth, masking the sound of everyone's thoughts. You love snow, the way it makes the air feel, the energy it creates around people. Growing up in New York you saw lots of snow.

Mikayla always insisted on making snowman and snow angles in the front yard. Some days you missed her more than others and today seemed to be a harder one. The snow bring even more feelings of happiness and guilt racked into one.

Guilt for what? You may ask, but to you it was guilt for leaving her all alone in whatever people see as the afterlife. Selfish, that's what you thought it was, leaving your lonely sister to be with a man. Mikayla would think it wasn't but you did.

Shaking off your thoughts you made your way over to the car immediately turning the heat on full blast. You turned on the song 'Bad Idea' by Girl in Red. The song reminded you of one of your ex girlfriends, Riley.

When you got home, you threw a bunch of jeans and sweaters into your bag along with flannels and your doc martins. Since it was only three days you didn't mind to much about what you were bringing.

Hopefully this all goes well.


A/n- Not the filler chapterrr! Also this might be confusing for the next few chapters but it will alll make sense on the last chapter. Anyways thanks for the comments that make me happy :)

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