Chapter 5

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Suna's POV

I opened my eyes and closed them tightly because of the intense light. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light. I looked at my surrounding and saw I was in the schools infirmary. I tried to move my body but suddenly the pain came back to me and I groaned loudly.

Y/n's POV

I heard a loud groan and I shot up. I saw Suna awake. He had his eyes shut tightly. My eyes started to water again. But I didn't care at this point so I quickly stood up and said "Suna. You ok".He looked at me, adjusted him self in a sitting position and said" Yeah. Why are you here. Shouldn't you be at practice ". I looked at him and ignored his question. I hugged him tightly. I let the tears fall. Right now all that matters is that he is fine and he is in front of me. He wrapped his arm around me and jokingly said" Wow. I didn't knew you cared for me this much". I looked up to be met with his gaze and said "what do you mean by that. Huh. What do you mean you didn't knew. Suna you were important to me. You still are and you will be. How can you say that".

He looked at me with those beautiful eyes and said "I'm sorry for worrying you. This won't happen again". I nodded. He kept his hand on my cheeks and said "and please stop crying now. I told you right I can't bear to see you like this". I giggled and smacked him lightly. He playfully pretended that he was very hurt. But I really thought that he was hurt and in a panic mode I said "you OK. Did I hurt you". He laughed and said "no its its OK".

We looked at the sound of the door bursting open. There were standing Samu, kita and aran. They rushed to his side and samu engulfed him in a tight hug. Suna laughed and said "Samu your squeezing me". Samu made the hug even tighter and said "I don't care". He let go of Suna and came by my side and said "you ok". I nodded and he said "I'm sure seeing him in this state is hard for you. And we all know that he is hurt but still look at him. He is trying his best to smile for us. For you". I smiled and replied "Yeah. And thanks Samu for your words. You really are a brother like figure for me".We hard the door open and saw tsumu standing there with teary eyes. He came and hugged Suna. Suna hugged him back. Tsumu let go of him and said "man. Rintarou you look like a mummy". Suna got mad and said "oh shut it".

Suna's POV

I saw Samu go and stand beside y/n. My mood dropped at the the sight. But I still kept the a smile for them. I accidentally heard their conversation. Samu went to y/n and said" you ok". She nodded and he said "I'm sure seeing him in this state is hard for you. And we all know that he is hurt but still look at him. He is trying his best to smile for us. For you". She smiled and replied" Yeah. And thanks Samu for your words. You really are a brother like figure for me".I smiled at his words. there are not dating. His words were trying to comfort her. I got it all wrong. I smiled in relief. The door shot open and there stood tsumu with teary eyes. Awww he is crying. For me. Now that. you don't see every day. He came and hugged me. I hugged him back. He let go and said "man. Rintarou you look like a mummy". I got mad and said "oh shut it."

Soon I was released and we were standing at the school gates. Samu and tsumu left for their house. Mine and y/n's house are in the same direction so we walked together. On the way we stopped near a park. The starry night was beautiful. We sat on a bench looking at the sky. We both sat in silence. But a comfortable silence. I was surprised she didn't question me about how I got into this situation. Soon she broke the silence by saying "Suna. Can I ask you something personal". I hummed in response. "do you. Like someone. As in do you have a crush on someone". I smiled and thought I would take my chances. I'm going to tell her. Even if rejects me I feel like if I wait any longer she might slip away. So I said "Yeah. There is". After saying that I looked at her. Her face was covered from her hair. I took her hand and she looked at me. We both stared at each other and I said "and right now. I'm holding her hand. So, say would you like to be my girlfriend". Her face lit up for some reason and she suddenly hugged me. I was surprised by her actions. She pulled away and said "I thought you would never ask. Yes baka. I'll be your girlfriend".

I smiled and leaned on for a kiss. So did she. We shared a first kiss under a tree. I would never forget this moment. It was getting late so we decided to head back. Her house was one block away from my house. But I still decided to walk her home. We were walking hand in hand. She smiled and said "who knew we would fall for eachother ". I chuckled and said "yeah. I ask that same question to myself every day". She tighten her grip on my hand and said "I'm really happy. Thank you suna". I smiled and kissed her fore head. Soon we reached to her house. She stood in front of me and hugged me. She pulled away and said "good night suna". I frowned and said "don't you think it's a little weird to call your boyfriend by his last name". She blushed and said "well than. I'm going to call you Rin". I blushed when she said my name like that. Well I only said that to see her blushing who knew she would make a nickname out of it. I tried to hide my blush and said "much better. Now go in. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night". With that said I kissed her forehead. She smiled and left.

Man how did my life turned out this way. I wonder what would be my team mates reaction when they finds out about us. 

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