🌹chapter 1🌹

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Y/n pov.
It was the middle of the night probably 10-11ish and I was on the roof of a building just relaxing. Normally I would be gazing at the stars at this time but the rain had put a damper on my normal routine. "Well this sucks..." I grumbled out when I felt my stomach growl. I looked over at my hunger bar and sure enough I was running low on it.

I sighed and stood up and looked around it would be took late to steal from a store as I just watched as people walked by. Before I finally jumped down. I walked out of the alleyway to a duo a male around my age with green hair and who I assume to be his mother. I cleared my throat and they turned around.

"I-I was wonder-wondering." The rain with picking up and so was my glitch. "D-dO you haVe an-Any spare F-FoOD?" I could feel the mother glaring at me almost like she was judging me.

"Izuku we need to keep moving." She seemed on edge but I dropped it and let them walk away. I just looked up at the rain and allowed my body to faze in and out of existence as it glitched about. And I walked back into the alleyway where I had saw a overhang and relaxed under it and out of the rain.

I closed my eyes for just a second but I must've lost track of time. "Excuse me?" I heard a quiet voice ask which brought me out of my relaxed state.

I looked up at the person and saw the green haired boy from before. "Please forgive my mom... she's on edge it's late at night and she doesn't want her quirkless son to get hurt."

I just looked at him unsure of what he was doing. "O-oh! Right sorry... I have some food, I was just wondering if you'd tell me about your quirk, I can bring you More food... if you what..."

His face was bright red it was easy to tell he didn't do much talking to girls "sure... does you mom know that your out here with a stranger?"

"N-no she thinks I'm studying but- wait your voice is normal now, and less distorted what?"

I stopped him mid sentence "the rain was messing with my quirk it's called glitch and the rain and me don't get along because of it... I guess that's ones of my few drawbacks."

"You have multiple?!"

I looked at him and he looked like a amazed puppy. "I mean that's not good but it's interesting!"

I just looked at him dumbfounded "I'll tell ya more tomorrow it's pretty late so you should probably head home." I saw him smile and nodded before he ran off.

I just sat there and looked at the food he had brought me. He was a interesting person that much I was sure of like looked in The bag and saw crackers a few fruit cups and those applesauce sqeezy things. And I smiled and started to eat.

As I figured the apple sauce and fruit cups did the most and then I finished with the cracks cause I could save those once I had filled my food bar I just sat there. 'How long had it been since I've been full like this?' I finally went to sleep only to be woken by the sound of people I looked at the sidewalk and sure enough it was that time of day when people decided to exist. I sighed and got up from my hiding place and was starting to walk away when I heard someone.

"Hey! It's me again! I brought you some breakfast." I turned around and saw the green haired boy he was smiling and had a Tupperware with some food in it. And a journal and pen in his other hand.

He walked over to me and sat down after he handed me the food. I opened it and when the smell of bacon and eggs fill my nose I felt my mouth water. I looked up at him almost to ask if this was ok.

"It's some of the left overs from moms cooking I hope you like it." He said happily "once you eat can I ask you some questions about your quirk?"

I dug into the food almost forgetting about his existence that was until I finished the delicious food and set the container down. "So um what do you want to know?"

His eyes lit up "what's your name?"

"I'm Y/n L/n..."

I saw him writing in his book almost sketching as he spoke "that's a really cool name! So what another your quirk? You told me it's name was glitch but what does it do?"

I smiled and I explained how my quirk basically allowed me to see the world through a video game screen of sorts and how I could mess with the code of something glitch my body out and even how I reset and Respawn.

"But this is probably my favorite part hand me your pen."

He looked at me confused and he handed it over to me. I swiped my hand across the air and pressed something and the pen disappeared he looked at me dumbfounded. "What did you just?"

"It's my favorite part it's called my inventory I officially have Link pockets" I said making a reference to a video a game as I pulled the screen back up and pulled the pen out of my inventory and tossed it back to him.

"Your really cool did you know that?! I mean your quirk is awesome! You could really be a great hero!"

I looked at him and smiled "well you could too if you really wanted, I mean you actually helped me out... not a lot of people would be willing to help me like you did... if you ask me your already a great hero."

His eyes lit up as if I had just said the greatest thing in the world to him at least that was before the tears.
A/n make sure  you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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