🌹Chapter 8🌹

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The next few days were spent sneaking out and hanging out with Izuku and katsuki which I had grown close to. That was until Aizawa left the house and didn't return until late and I could find either of my friends.

Y/n pov

"Hey where we're you all day?" I asked him when I saw him get home.

He looked at me and seemed to process "why are you hanging upside down from a tree branch?"

"You left me Alone all day without supervision I debated sneaking out but instead I chose to be in a tree and read. If you got a problem with it I'll sneak out next time."

He just rolled his eyes "whatever, and no I'd rather you stay here when villains killed you last time they saw you."

I just rolled my eyes "either way I'm going for a walk."

Sure enough I went for my walk
And stayed out till dark. When I finally got back i laid down on my bed and fell asleep. And just like the day before I woke up and Aizawa was gone so I figured I'd prove my point and I snuck out of the house.

Little did I know... I picked the worse day ever to go run off on my own. I walked around and eventually came across a small child "are you ok?" It was starting to rain and she was alone crying

She was crying and I picked her up. I didn't think about it but the rain was starting to make me glitch out. "D-doNt worry... L-lEts f-fInd Y-yoUR Par-parEnts"

"Ah! Your scary!" The little girl started to panic and the next thing I knew I dropped the small child I looked at my clothes that I had shrunk out of and then to my small hands.

"W-whAt?" I glitched a little bit before I noticed the little girl ran off I sighed as I sat there. Eventually I saw a hero as they walked up to me confused.

"Do you need help little girl? What happens?"

The rain was effecting my speech pretty badly. So I nodded "so-somEoñęs QuIrk..." I said quietly as I glitched about.

The hero picked me up along with my shirt which draped over me like a dress. "Let's get you to the police station ok?"

The hero brought me out of the rain and I felt my glitching calm down. And the hero noticed "was the rain effecting you?"

"Yes sir, I um... I found a little girl on her own. But when the rain started it effect my quirk causing me to glitch and my voice gets weird. She got scared... and her quirk activated and turned me into this child..." I grumbled out.

"Ok so let's get you some clothes to change into and you'll be good to go when we get your parents down here."

I stopped him "sir just call Aizawa... or I guess Eraserhead I think?"

He nodded.

Izuku pov.
Mr Aizawa was giving us our lecture when he paused and got a call.


"What do you mean a child... I don't have a... oh dear god."

He looked at us all "be on your best behavior I'll be right back."

We watched our teacher leave and before we knew it knew it a few minutes passed and he came back and following suit was a small child who looked 5 walked int behind him.

"I told you to stay at the house to stay out of trouble." He sighed.

"It's not my fault it's boring and I hate it." She growled back and the voice sounded fimilar.



Me and Kacchan yelled at the same time and she turned to face us "katsuki? Izuku? It's cool that you go here."

"What the hell happened to you?" Kacchan growled out.

"Oh this?" She looked at her childlike body "I got hit with a quirk so um kinda out of luck.for the next week." She sighed "this is so stupid."

"Um mr Aizawa why is she here exactly?"

"Well since she can seem to follow simple instructions she'll be here for the next week under supervision."

We all watched as y/n stuck her tongue out at our teacher. "Midoriya Bakugo where did you meet this... child." Iida asked voicing the classmates questions and I went to stop him when Y/n glared at him.

"Listen up buddy I'm not a fucking child first off." She made her way over to Iida and she started to glitch "Se-second ofF Sc-ScrEw Yo-YOu ." She growled out.

I got out of my chair and picked her up. "Calm down Iida didn't know."

"D-DoNt HøLd M-mę LiKë a Ch-ChĮłd!"

"Well then calm down so you don't crash!"

She glared at me and Kacchan starting laughing.

"You looked like a little Pipsqueak! I thought you were supposed to be scary buts your just a little kid!"

"Kacchan..." I noticed her quirk activated as her eye glowed.

"Y/n calm down." It was Aizawa.

"Seriously how lame are you to get hit by this pathetic quir-" his mouth moved but nothing came out.

"Maybe you should shut up for a little bit but knowing you wouldn't I went ahead and helped you out katsuki hope you don't mind." Kacchan looked pissed at her words and she just smiled.

"Don't worry it'll wear off in a half hour." And with that she glitched out of my hands leaving everyone confused to what she had just done.

"Alright My captor can I just head back home now?"

"No." Aizawa said "also as much as it pains me to say this fix Bakugo."

I noticed how y/n looked at him like he was stupid. "You sure? This only lasts half an hour then he can talk again."

And then mr Aizawa seemed to Debate it which only made me struggle to not laugh. "Up she managed to shut up Bakugo! Mr. Aizawa can we keep her?!" Kiminari asked.

"Year no kidding I've never heard him this silent!" Kirishma cut in.

"I'm not a pet! Not one can keep me!" And with a finally glitch she disappeared.

"Alright class new Assignment we are doing hero training it's called "find and capture a feisty teenager it started now first person back with her gets a homework pass."

And with that the search for Y/n started.
A/n make sure you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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