The Jacobite and the HYDRA spy

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Cape Bonavista, Cuba

Athena's ship a modified Man O War called the Dogma sailed through heavy seas, most likely due to a hurricane, which was common for the area. The crew which consisted of Desmond's team, Sarah's team, Brandy's team, as well as her own worked tirelessly trying to keep the ship afloat. Athena was at the helm keeping the ship from tipping over when she heard Cannons upon the wind. She turned the Dogma's bow right into the sound. Ezio her soulmate and Quarter Master barked out orders over the pouring rain, roaring, winds, and waves. Athena kept the ship steady "FULL SAIL!" she ordered.

Ezio looked at her and nodded "FULL SAIL!" he snapped.

Up ahead looked like a sea battle, Athena activated her eagle vision, the HMS Intrigue. The ship was full of HYDRA, their black outlines with red, as well as one who wore the robes of an Assassin. That meant the ship ahead of them... her eyes focused on picking out the familiar blue glow of an assassin, even if one didn't know it yet, they still had potential to become one "The Jacobite," she said looking at Ezio, "Edward Kenway is aboard that ship."

"How are we going to fight in a storm like this?" Ezio asked

"You aren't," she said, "I will meet you in Havanna, I have faith Edward will get me there in one piece,"

Ezio nodded and kissed her soundly on the lips before pulling away "Come back to me," he said

"I promise, I shall," she said.

Athena went to one of the sails and cut it loose using it as a parachute to make it to the Jacobite. As she glided over she saw that the Dogma had turned away from the battle as per her orders to Ezio. Her eyes focused as she glided down lower in time to see the HYDRA spy kill the Captian of the ship. As soon as her boots touched the deck she lunged at the spy. His eyes going wide at the very sight of her "The Crimson Assassin," he said

"In the flesh, traitor," she snapped and locked her sword with his.

That is when Athena noticed it "Abandon SHIP!" she called over her shoulder, "That powder is going to blow!"

No one needed to be told twice apparently, because as soon as that left her mouth. The traitor shoved her back as she spotted Edward Kenway racing to the barrels, Athena tackled him over the side as the powder exploded.

Athena, you must wake up, Ezio, and I need you!

Athena's eyes snapped open as she kicked her feet as she swam to the surface of the water. She took in a big gulp of air as she broke the water's surface before she swam to shore. She could see the traitor, as well as Kenway. Athena swam to shore and crawled upon the sand "You think you could get away from me you bastard?" she hissed glaring at the traitor, "You who have caused the deaths of innocent lives."

Edward looked between her and the Assassin turncoat before noticing something she didn't "Lass your hurt," he pointed out.

Athena looked down to see a piece of wood in the side of her thigh, most likely from the ship's mast. If untreated...well she would have to be emergency evacuated, lucky for her she knew how and what to use. She looked at Edward "I've had worse trust me," she said as she ripped it out of her thigh.

Grabbing some fabric from a sail she dipped it into the saltwater and then tore it. This would make a makeshift bandage until she could return to the Dogma. Once there she will be taken care of, then head for Bone Cay, to recover, as well as resupply. She tied the fabric and wrapped it around her thigh before tieing it as the turncoat tried to bribe Edward. Athena smirked "Unlike you traitor, I come with gold in hand." she said.

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