The Black Pearl PT 1 (NSFW)

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Athena had a feeling something was coming, a feeling she couldn't shake as Liz, Ezio, and Cesare returned from patrol. She looked at the map of the island before her once Port Royal had been large and was a haven for pirates since they were used as hired guns to keep the Spanish out. Now, most of the Island was underwater and pirates were allowed to hang only; unless it was her and her ships, of course, word of her cunning, and compassion had spread, just like Kassandra said that it would. She looked up at the trio "What information do we have?" she asked

"There are at least 70 HYDRA agents in the surrounding forest nearby, not to mention the reports of agents being in the city itself," Ezio said.

Athena leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at the map "Their base is located in this area here," Liz pointed out on the map, "There are ways to get to it, by land, but they most likely have all those covered."

"So we use the trees to our advantage," Athena replied simply.

Ezio and Cesare nodded in agreement "Cesare, have Altair go to Govoner Swan, inform him to come here with the Commador they will want to see this." Athena said

"As you wish," Cesare said with a nod and turned to leave the room

"So, we have around 100 or so HYDRA Agents running around the island, I think we may need Mal on this one," Athena said.

Ezio nodded "Lucky for us your sisters were kind enough to send him home when you got injured, he has been watching ever since." Ezio pointed out.

Athena nodded at this "It would give us another set of eyes in the air, to form a search grid."

"Search grid?" Liz asked

"Three in the crew can actually see through an Eagle's eyes to locate and assess targets," Athena explained, "Something that has been lost, slowly being refound."

Liz nodded as Kassandra and Bayek came in with Icuris and Senu "Ezio is going to go get Mal, we are going to do a grid search hopefully find the HYDRA nest and hit it hard before they know what hit them." Athena said

"It would be wise to do so, with three sets of eyes in the air it will make the search easier," Bayek said.

Athena nodded as she took a sip of her coffee, she loved it when a plan came together.


Ezio returned to Cameron Hall in the present day to find Mal perched in a tree overlooking the manor "Alright, big bird, Athena needs us to run an air to ground search grid," he said.

The temperamental bird screeched before swooping down from the tree to his outstretched arm, Ezio returned to the Cameron Estate at Port Royal shortly after and just in time too, because Altair was returning with their guests. Ezio walked into the house with Mal who climbed up onto his shoulder "Hey handsome boy," Athena said

"Why thank you darling," he said only to get popped in the back of the head with a wing.

Mal swooped down and landed on the floor before he walked around the desk as Athena scooped him up and began petting him, Ezio glared at the Eagle "You're a pain you know that?" he asked the bird which only seemed to laugh at him.

Athena loved that damn bird, and Ezio often wondered if it was part dog. Seriously the damn odd eagle would sit there and try and bark at someone like it was one. Mal nuzzled his head against Athena's cheek as she stroked his feathers lightly. Ezio's mind automatically going to the gutter wanted to be stroked by those delicate yet deadly fingers. As if picking up on his thoughts which was most often seen as a curse, she gave him a seductive smirk as she began to discuss the flight plan for each eagle. Ezio paid attention to this, not wanting to miss any key details before Mal flew out of the window with Icuras and Senu. As Kassandra and Bayek left he turned to Athena "That darling was cruel and you know it." he pointed out.

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