Tides of War

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Athena looked out over the sea it had been a month and the massive Man o War that she would be using as her flagship was complete, the song had been sung and Barbossa had taken her ship to seek out Jack and meet with the Brethren court. Many assassins and Templars had rallied to the Crimson Rose finding peace with their families within the safe harbor of Bone Cay. The wind caressed her cheek as a Seagull landed on the banister of the balcony that outlooked the port. There was a change in the air, since Becket had gotten his hands on Davy Jones's heart the seas were no longer safe for pirates at this time.

Finally making up her mind she fired a shot of powder and wad into the air to inform all on the island that it was time to protect their home. The East India Trading Company under one Cuttler Becket was a threat to them all regardless if they were HYDRA or not. Athena dressed in her crimson robes built for the life at sea, the Sword of Demoklies hung at her hip as the Spear of Leonious was slung on her back. The people of Bone Cay gathered "My people," she said, "HYDRA has proven time and time again that they will stoop to any low to gain control of the people."

Athena was flanked by her crew Ezio right at her side "But I say no more,"

The people nodded and began murmuring among themselves in agreement "They have pit Assassin against Templar for far too long," she said

"Here, here!" several cheered.

Athena stomped her foot "I SAY NO MORE!" she said, "It is time we take the fight to them, it is time to rally the pirates who patrol these waters, the Assassins, and the Templars, and strike back!"

The crowd cheered in agreement "We make for the Island of the Brethren court then we will rally our fleets and sail against the East India Trading Company, it is time we show HYDRA as long as they are present then the Assassins, Templars, and whoever are their allies at the time will unite and stop them. Putting aside our petty differences due to our creeds." she said

"We work in the dark to serve the light," Altair said

"May the father of understanding guide us," Maria Thorp said

"We are a unified order and it is time we go to war!" Athena said as the crowd erupted into mass cheers "Captians report to your ships, give no quarter to those HYDRA dogs for they will give you none in return."


The Dogma was a beautiful Man o War her massive 20-pound guns mounted in place. Each member of the crew was given a ship to captain, and their own quartermaster. Athena looked beautiful as she gripped the wheel at the helm of the Ship. Ezio felt a rush of desire and lust sweep through him "I see where your mind is going." Milly said giving him a flat look, "If you are going to be thinking like that Auditore perhaps you will be needed aboard another ship,"

"I can't help it," Ezio said with a casual shrug, "Athena is a beautiful and fierce woman."

The Wakandan woman looked about ready to smack him as Sarah and Brandy arrived "Right on time, and look who they brought with them." Alexios said with a chuckle

Athena's grin became wicked as everyone cheered "Captian Black Beard, and Captian Kidd, could you two please join me on deck,"

"Ya, know damn well that I don't go by Kidd anymore Rose!" Mary said with a chuckled

"This is a fine ship," Black Beard said, "You spent a lot of time on this fine ship,"

"This is the Dogma, the flagship of the Crimson Armada," Athena replied as the most feared pirate to ever sail the seas pulled her in for a hug

"We missed you lass," Black Beard said

"I missed your cutthroat wit Master Thatch," Athena replied

"Mentor," Mary said in greeting to him

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