The Black Pearl PT 3

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Author's Note: I apologize this chapter is way overdue, please enjoy. I plan to update again with The Black Pearl PT 4 this weekend.

Athena watched as men, women, children, and the elderly were led to safety out of the town center and away from the docks and to a safer location hopefully away from the fighting. Some of the Noblemen sneered at her to which she rolled her eyes and continued to talk to both the Commodore and Governor Swan. Ezio just glared at the Noblemen "Do you have a problem with my mate?" he growled.

One of the Nobles looked down his nose at Ezio "Your woman should be warming your bed, not sailing ships or consorting with Pirates,"

"And you should learn to hold your tongue in front of Royalty," Jack Sparrow said, "She is a queen, on her island women are given as much respect as men, they are taught to fight to defend themselves, she has braved the most savage of seas, and the most horrible of pirates, those who kill innocents with no mercy whatsoever, I will gladly fight by my lady rose,"

Athena sent Jack a grateful nod before turning her attention back to the map "If we post soldiers along these roads we can lure them into the main city and hold the fighting here near the fort." she said

"A sound plan, M'lady," one of the captains said

"Captian Sparrow, do you know who commands the Pearl?" Governor Swan asked

"Aye, he was my first made before the mutiny, Barbosa is not a man to take prisoners, so be on your guard,"


Ezio watched as Athena went about going through the defenses of the Fort and how many men they could spare to protect the civilians, as the sun began to set the torches around the city were lit, and Athena walked along the wall of the Fort. A little after 9 pm the sound of an in-coming Cannonball whistled through the air "TAKE COVER!" Athena roared as she dove off the wall.

Everyone hid behind or under something as Cannonball after cannonball pelted the fort "RETURN FIRE!" Athena ordered.

The cannons of the Fort spouted fire and smoke as they returned fire, the cannon crews working double-time to load shots fast enough. Ezio used his eagle vision to see that the pirates were coming via longboat "They make landfall!" he called out looking at Athena


Athena rushed to Ezio's side as they took to the roofs to bottleneck them in the town square.


Desmond blocked an incoming sword with his hidden blade as he threw a punch. The Pirate grabbed his fist and flung him onto the ground "Not bad, boy, now stay down, I don't want to hurt ya,"

Desmond glared holes at the pirate "How about you take your own advice?"

The pirate and Desmond both looked to see Athena standing there her eyes narrowed into slits as she drew her cuttless and went on the attack. Athena was pure skill with anything she got her hands on and the pirate seemed to be impressed by Athena's resolve and swordsmanship "Ya fight well lass,"

"My cousin and brother taught me how to use a sword," Athena lied easily

"Your cousin and brother taught ye well then lass,"

"Sadly for you, you threatened my mate," she growled.

Athena's eyes seemed to turn the color of liquid steel as her blade clashed with the pirate "Beggen my manners miss, ya wouldn't happen to be a Cameron would you?" a pirate politely asked as she punched the Pirate that she was fighting.

Ezio got up and looked at the Pirate with manners shockingly enough "And what if she is?"

"Just we have orders not to harm a Cameron, the Cap'tin be wanting to speak with the Crimson Rose,"

Athena stopped mid-swing "What did you...Ah!" she turned and fired her flintlock at the pirate that just sliced her arm, "Fucker!"

The man dropped holding his gut "We be cursed miss," the one she shot said as he stood up, "We are neither living nor dead,"

Athena pulled the spear of Leonidis and lept into the air only to slam it back down causing everyone to stop fighting "Then take me to your captain, I wish to Parlay on Port Royal's behalf."

"Athena," Ezio warned

"Trust me, my darling perhaps there is a peaceful resolution to all this, if not...well, The Sword of Demoklies will make short work of them since it is a curse killer sword." Athena said.

Just what was she plotting now?


Edward Kenway had his ship and his crew and made for Nassau. Word of the Pearl being in the waters not too far from them didn't bode well for anyone aboard. That ship was cursed as well as her crew and Edward wanted no part of it. Upon making port in Nassau he disembarked from the ship "Well, aren't you a sight for salty eyes," Hornygold said with a laugh

"Edward Kenway, you come at a good time, no man runs the waters while the Pearl is close," Blackbeard said, "She was spotted near Port Royal a few days ago,"

"Poor bastards," James Kidd said.

Edward got a tankard of Ale "I met her," he said

"Met who lad?" Hornygold asked

"The Crimson Rose," he said.

All pirates looked at him in shock Kidd looked as if he didn't believe him "Bitsy you bastard!" a voice yelled.

Next thing Edward knew he was flat on his back with his older half-sister sitting on his chest "Ye had Rose worried ye did, she had half a mind to come hunting you, but the Pearl caught her attention!"

"You mean to tell us you have both met the Crimson Rose?" Kidd asked

"She is a myth,"

"My cousin is no Myth Blackbeard, she hunts those who harm the innocent, be lucky she has respect for you, or she'd be hunting you down herself, lest ye forget, you be in Rose's waters now,"

The way the Silver Hawk's eyes flashed as a warning to all not to insult his kin "Very well Hawk, have it yer way, tell us about yer cousin, I hear she is quite the looker," Blackbeard said

"Don't be getting ideas Teach, her mate is with her, she is part of a trinity, the rarest and most sacred of soulmates." Silver Hawk said.

Soulmates were treasured even among pirates "Has she met her third?" Honygold asked

"Not as of yet, she has met her first. They are all that remains of their house in Italy."

"Judas, what happened?" Ade asked

"The Pearl happened,"


Athena stood beside Governor Swan's daughter, she was brave to do what she had done but foolish to give them a different name "And who may you be Miss?"

"I think you already know," she said raising her head her eyes narrowing into slits.

Barbosa removed his hat and bowed "M'lady Rose, we welcome you aboard the Black Pearl,"

"Ms. Turner stays with me since she came to do what I had planned to," Athena said

"As you wish," Barbosa said before turning to his crew, "We make for the island, put the Port to rudder,"

The crew scrambled about as Athena closed her eyes at Ezio's scream of her name...

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