Port Royal

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Athena awoke a week after arriving at Havanna, Ezio's hands combing through his fingers through her hair. She smiled up at him "Hi," she said

"Hello, my love, you have been in and out of wake and sleep for the past week," Ezio said, "The ship has been resupplied, where should we head to?"

Athena got up and began to get dressed "Well, darling, we need to head to Port Royal," she said

"Why there?" he asked

"Port Royal was a staging ground for HYDRA, they could easily blend in with civilians, soldiers, and pirates," Athena remarked.

Ezio nodded watching her as she dressed "Shall I give the order then?" Ezio asked

"Of course, my love."

Ezio left her to finish dressing once she was finished she walked out on the deck and up to the helm "WE MAKE FOR PORT ROYAL!" Athena called out over the deck causing everyone to cheer.


Edward watched as the massive Man O War sailed away, the ship flying British colors, which would make it easier for her to retrieve her bounty. Now to find out who this Toress fellow was "Jack if anything should happen to me get to Port Royal and inform Rose of what happened to me, the lass doesn't seem the type to leave an ally stranded." he said

"I agree mate," Jack said, "Take what you can,"

"Give nothing back," Edward said before he turned and walked away.

Edward walked up to the gate of the governor's mansion "Good Morning! Mister Duncan Walpole of England to see the Governor, I believe he is expecting me." Edward lied to the guard.

The Guard nodded "Yes, Mister Walpole, please enter." the guard said as he opened the gate.

Edward entered through the gate nodding at the guard as he passed right through them as a pair of soldiers looked his way "Is that the man? The...what do they call him, assassin?" the first soldier said.

Edward made a mental note to ask Rose about that later "Yes. Duncan Walpole. He should have been here many days ago." the second replied

"I don't like these foreigners strolling about the city. I don't trust them." the first said

"Hold your tongue, man. The Governor has guests! From France and England alike!" the second exclaimed.

Edward continued to walk up the path as the two continued talking "He's a rough-looking man. I assumed e might look...respectable."

"The man's been at sea for months. Be easy on him."

Edward continued to walk until he met two men on the terrace one was Spanish, the other English "Good Morning, sir!" the Englishmen greeted, "Would I be correct in thinking you are Duncan Walpole?"

"I am true," Edward lied as the man extended his hand to shake his own

"I thought as much. Woodes Rogers, A pleasure." the man said shaking his hand

"The same," Edward replied.

Edward looked at the Spaniard "I must say, my wife has a terrible eye for description," Woodes said

"I'm sorry?" Edward asked

"My wife." Woodes said, "You met her some years ago, at the Percys' masquerade ball."

"Ah! Quite..."

"She called you devilishly handsome, obviously a lie to stoke my jealousy." Woodes said with a chuckle before turning to the Spaniard "Julien! Our guest of honor has arrived, Mister Duncan Walpole."

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