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Izuku's POV
Jumping from roof to roof I could see blue fires in an alley way. Upon arriving I see 10 criminals and one vigilante.

Looking closely at the vigilante I found out that it was Dabi the 4th most elusive vigilante.

From this angle I could see he was having trouble and he has a lot of serious injuries. Being me i jumped down and wiped all the men's out in seconds.

I could see Dabi was impressed with my skills but before he could talk he passed out from blood lost.

Dabi's POV
I was in a dark alleyway with 10 men's cornering me. Most of them have knifes in there hands while I only have my quirk.

With my hand to hand combat skills I managed to last about 10 minutes but I have many cuts and wound on my body.

I was starting to get tired when I saw a person dressed in all black. He defeated those 10 men's in second and I was honestly impressed.

When he came near me and what shocked me was that this was black rabbits doing. I was so happy seeing him because he finally sent the abusive trash where it belonged.

Before I could make out a word my mouth eyes started to get blurry and soon I lost consciousness.

Izuku's POV
Opening a portal I arrived at my home with Dabi on me. Placing him in bed i started to treat his wounds.

Minutes after I was done I heard a soft groan and when I looked at him, lifeless emerald eyes met ocean blue eyes.

Dabi's POV
When I woke up I was in an unfamiliar bed with my whole body hurting. Remembering what happened I looked around until my eyes met black rabbits.

He told me to lay down and rest but I just asked him where I am. He said this was his home and then the most surprising thing is that he started to change into a normal cloth.

What I saw made me gasp, he looked so young. While I was in bed we chat a little and for some reason I started speaking about my life.

I also said thank you to him for putting that bastered in jail, he deserved it more than anybody.

Finishing my story he started his and I couldn't believe it was worse than mine and our past were Kinda similar.

Next thing I know is him asking me to go patrol with him sometime. I obviously couldn't say no, so we exchanged numbers and left to wait for the patrol.

Izuku's POV
It was kinda fun to be able to patrol with a partner since you don't need to be alone even tho I had to save him sometime.

Other than that it was great and peaceful. Suddenly a scarf nearly wrapped me while I was destracted but I quickly dodged.

I guess I speaked too soon but why did he have to come right because i know Dabi won't stand a chance with him. Does the world and everything hate me or something's

Eraserhead's POV
I was doing my usual patrol when I saw black rabbit. I quickly threw out my capture weapon but like I predicted he dodged.

What I wasn't predicting is that we was working with another vigilante and I recognised him as Dabi the 4th most elusive vigilante.

Knowing black rabbit he doesn't want him captured so I aimed my scarf at him. Every time I threw it black rabbit always goes in front of Dabi and catch my weapon.

Accidentally blinking my eyes blue fire instantly shot at me. After dodging it I couldn't find them anywhere. Dammit they must have retreated when I was busy dodging the fire.

Izuku's POV
Right as Eraserhead blinked Dabi released his blue flames and I quickly grabbed him and run while he was distracted. When we arrived on top of the warehouse, we said our goodbyes and parted ways.

Meanwhile with Tsukauchi
"Dammit Black rabbit, your giving me too much paperwork with your new partner Dabi" said the pissed out of his mind Tsukauchi.

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