Hero, villain and vigilantes

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Black rabbit's POV
It's been a total of 2 weeks since the USJ attack. The news was talking a lot about the USJ and what Black rabbits quirk is.

I guess they found out my quirk but that's only one of it. Right know I am jumping from roof to roof doing my usual night patrol when a unusually familiar purple mist appear out of thin air right in front of me.

Then I remember this was kurogiri the warp user but why were they looking for me. I mean I did ruin there "perfect" plan.

When the portal fully formed, out came a hooded figure. Crimson red eyes pierced at me. That glint in his eyes gave away who he was.

Taking of his black hoodie, blue messy hair just like my messy hair showed. Standing there in silence nobody dared to move, but soon his raspy voice broke the silence.

Shigaraki's deciding to talk started " I know". 'Wow that's how hes going to start a conversation' in my mind.

Continuing it to talk he said " I know what you've been through. Those words twirled in my head while my breath hitched. " your past is just like mine, being hurt while no heroes did anything, broken but there is nothing you can do, nowadays all heroes want is fame and glory" said shigaraki.

They don't care about you and they never will, I'm speaking from experience since I have been through the same, the only person that saved me from this nightmare is my master and I want to be the one to save you" said shigaraki finishing his speech.

The most shocked thing was that he was actually sincere and he really wanted to help me, not to actually use me like a puppet.

I was lost in my owns thoughts, 'how did he know that I was in pain and all about my past?' ' I guess the people that have experienced these things now when someone is feeling the same' 'I really can't trick him with my facade I put every single day'

All the things he said were true, no body helped me when i needed it, no body cared about me not even my mother and heroes don't care about people, they only want money.

'Doing it for fame, how pathetic'. 'But what will dad think of me', ' would he think of me as a monster' ' probably yes. Sigh I'm going to give the heroes one more chance.

Breaking from my thought I looked back up to Shigaraki. When did I even look down, clenching my fist I replied " I want to have 2 weeks of deciding and to see if the heroes could save me by then," " when the 2 weeks is up I would decide to join.

Shigaraki smiled after the words left my mouth but this time it was a kind smile. After that he returned back into the portal while I walked to the edge of the roof and sat down to think of my decision and life.

A few minutes ago at an abandoned bar
Shigaraki's POV
"Shigaraki I think you should try and convince black rabbit to join the league of villains, he could be a valuable member" said all for one.

"Why would you want that brat to join, he is the one who destroyed the plan" I said

"Because of his past, his past is just like yours and I want you to be the one to save him just like what I did" replied all for one

That sentence perked my interest as he started to explain the vigilantes past

"His name is Izuku Midorya, his father left at 2, his mother started hurting him when she found out about her sons quirk, he ran at 7 and became a vigilante." Said all for one

After learning about his life I actually have a lot of respect for him since we both had a horrible childhood

After leaving black rabbit by himself on the rooftop I was actually happy that he wanted to join but also a little angry that he wanted to give another chance for those pathetic hero's that can't do anything to save the others in need in time.

Izuku's POV
It has been one day since I talked to shigaraki and it is like every single hero was out at night trying and find me.

How did they know that I was going to join the league in 2 weeks if no heroes came? Oh wait, I'm so stupid, I did it again, it was the security cameras. The heroes must have seen me talk with shigaraki.

Nezu's POV
So this is a game of who will get black rabbit first huh, between the heroes and villains. Never in many years have villains and heroes wanted the same vigilante on their side. The grey was going to either join the black or the white.

Closing the lid of my computer which was playing the whole scene I got up saying " let the games begin"

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