When The Light Breaks The Darkness

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[No one]

     A certain dirty blonde places a few Lily of The Valleys on a grave in front of a cherry tree. It was located on a small hill behind the Main HQ in The Main World not far from the other graves that lied under their own trees behind the small hill.

The ground was covered in snow, which kept slowly and peacefully raining from the sky. The weather was a bit cold, but the dirty blonde didn't mind.

It had been almost five months since everything had happened. 2019 was coming to an end and 2020 would start soon. Hermitcraft would move to Season 7 in the beginning of the following year. The Council would still keep working normally like it had been working for almost 4 years.

"Hey 𝓢𝓱𝓮𝓷! I thought I would pay you a visit since it's almost new year! ᒲᔑ𝙹 wanted to come too, but he had an important meeting to attend to. He promised to come later tho!" The dirty blonde smiled slightly as he looked at the text in the grave.

Sherenidy Cassia Blackwood
31.10.2003 - 8.8.2019
Sacrificed herself for her brother
May she be remembered forever!

Tears formed in his eyes as he remembered the day. She had died a day before his birthday.

"The song you sang during those times, you remember? It's been stuck in my head since then. I even remembered why it sounded so familiar! You once sang it to me years ago and said it was your favorite song. You mentioned how your mother used to sing it to you when you were a child," He spoke softly. "I also brought the flowers you mentioned were your favorites! Lily of The Valleys! My mother loved them too, they're really beautiful!" He continued.

"You know 𝓢𝓱𝓮𝓷, everyone really misses you. The Council isn't really The Council without you and the others who have passed. I hope that you found them and they protect you!" He smiled sadly. "I really miss you..."

"I wish I could stay longer, but I have to go. I took your place as The Main Leader's left hand and I have a lot of things to do! I chose ᒲᒷᔑ↸𝙹∴ to be my student. I hope I made the right choice! She's a Rookie, but that doesn't matter because she's one of the Originals. She was the first one that popped to my mind when I had to decide," He smiled sadly.

"It was nice to see you! I'll come back as soon as I can!" He smiled to the grave once more before turning around. "Oh, and my wings don't hurt anymore! ⍑ᔑ||ꖎ╎ᒷ said they would start growing back soon!"

He was about to walk away when the sun suddenly started shining through the clouds. He smiled and looked at the grave once more before walking away.

A New Era had begun!

Words: 484

(This book is finished! The 4th book 'A New Era' is out when this chapter comes out!)

(Also the side story 'A Pathway To Hell' is out now!)

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