Chapter 5

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•~Zeldas P.O.V~•

The night was awesome!!! After I told Link about the mission I assigned for him, I led him to his room which was just a few rooms away from mine.

Knowing Link, when he hits the bed he'll probably already be fast asleep.

"Ok Link. Tomorrow morning, I'll send a guard to wake you up so that you can eat breakfast before leaving alright??" He nodded, opening the doors to his new room.

I waved him goodnight before the doors shut, leaving me standing there with happiness bursting out of me.

•~Links P.O.V~•

I dont know what time it was but it sure as hell was early. The sun was just beginning to peak over the land and not even one bird began the morning lullaby for the day.

I was woken up to the guard from yesterday. He stood by my bed, shaking me like a maraca. I tap his hand, letting him know to stop and that I was up. To this, he smiled

"Good Morning Master Link!!! It is officially 6 am. Breakfast is already served and Queen Zelda is wating for your appearance." He bowed to me, making me feel a little uncomfortable.

So far that I know of, no one knows, except for Mipha and the other champions, that Zelda and I were siblings.

Hell, I didnt even know until the past king himself told me. It was quite a shock and at first I didnt believe him but, over time, the pieces started coming together.

Truth be told though, I'm only half royal blood. Before the king took the thrown, he fell in love with a woman that was a commoner. But sadly, they parted ways when my mother found out she was pregnant with me. After she gave birth to me, she met another Male that became my stepfather.

Now since it's been over 100 years, I don't know what happened to my mother. But I always make sure to visit our old house from time to time.

But anyway, I normally dont have anyone bow to me and when I did, they mainly bowed with respect because I was the 'chosen hero'. It always made me uncomfortable and it still does.

The guard quite his bow and smiled, leaving the room with heavy footsteps.

Once he left I got out of the overly sized bed and stretched. Shadow yawned and stretched herself before jumping off the mattress.

Feeling my bones pop, I walked to my clothes bag, grabbing out my Sheikah stealth wear.

If I'm wanting to catch Shea, Zeldas white horse, I'm going to need my stealth wear. I swear sometimes that horse has superhearing.

Anyway, after putting on the tight, yet oddly comfortable clothing, I started messing with my very messed up hair.

Grabbing my brush, I yanked and pulled all the rats out, feeling like I might end up yanking all my hair out.

After the horrible wrestling match with my bit too long hair, I tied it into a bun, a ribbon and chopsticks holding it up. (I think their chopsticks I'm not fully sure. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)

I looked into the mirror and nodded, feeling satisfied with how I looked. Keeping my mask off, I whispered for Shadow to follow.

Opening the large doors, I was once again met with the guard from earlier.

"Queen Zelda has asked me to escort you to the dining hall. Follow me please." Before I could even protest, the guard started walking away in a rather fast pace. I had to almost run to catch up, Shadow on my heels.

•~3rd Person P.O.V~•

Link had made it to the dinning hall, panting heavily as too almost running all the way there just to keep up with the guard. Shadow sat beside him, in the same state as well.

"Queen Zelda, Link is here like you asked." The guard bowed towards Zelda. She waved her hand as a signal to leave which the guard did once he finished his bow.

"Link. I have packed some food for your journey. I know teleporting there will be quite simple but the journey back will not." Link nodded. He knew that the trip indeed would be easy on the first half; but the second half, would be rather difficult. Plus it is supposed to be storming later so, it'll make it even more challenging.

"Queen Zelda?" A low and quiet voice asked from the other side of the doors. Zelda yelled a 'yes?' to the voice. "Master Links stuff is packed and ready to go."

Zelda looked back to me and smiled, "Are you ready to go? Well that's is after you've had some cake?" Link nodded while eying the cake.

•~TimeSkip Cause I lazzzzy~•

Link stood outside of the casltes gates, going through his map on the Shekiah slate.

After trying to remember where exactly the Outskirt stable was, Link finally found it and the shrine.

Clicking on the shrine, he pressed teleport before his body dissolved into the air, a few blue marks left behind.

•~Links P.O.V~•

After teleporting to the Rota Ooh Shrine I stumbled over a bit, still a little dizzy from the whole thing.

After teleporting from place to place you'd think I'd be use to it now, but no, I'm not.

Jumping down with my paraglider, I glided down to the stable. It had already started to rain which was both good and bad.

It was good for it would help me catch the horse faster and easier but, bad for if it starts storming to the point lightning is happening, there is a huge chance I might get struck.

Letting go of my paraglider, I fell down to the ground and headed to the stable manager who waved excitedly at me.

"Link!! It's so good to see you after the Calamity is defeated! You want a horse right? Which one shall it be?" Embry was a talker, like a big one. Sometimes when I came to get one of my horses, he'd do nothing but talk. Not that I mind though.

Embry pulled out the papers to each of my horses, letting me choose which one I want out. Skimming through them, I picked my giant horse, Goliath.

"Ah excellent choice. Give me one minute and I'll have him ready for you." He gave me a small smile before walking towards the back where the horses rest at.
(I know the horses you take dont actually have a place to rest but let's just say they stay towards the back of the stable.)

About 2 minutes had passed before Embry came from the back of the stable, Goliath walking beside him. Goliath noticed me and trotted over, neighing happily at me.

I lifted my hand up and patted his nose which he purred to?? Shaking my head I went to the side of him and gently climbed onto his back.

"Well Sir Link, I hope you have safe trails!" He waved at Goliath and I before walking back to the front of the stable. Waving back at him, I tap Goliath with my foot and head off towards the horse statue.

Yay!!! Finally got chapter 5 completed!!! I've been so behind on school that I forgot to give chapter 5. But here it is! Oh and I couldnt help but add the picture on the top, it was so freaking adorable! 😭❤

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