Chapter 6

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•~Links P.O.V~•

The trip to the horse statue took a little longer than expected. The rain fell harder onto the once dry ground causing Goliath to become stuck a few times.

The rain and lightning was really starting to worry me. Lightning was always my biggest fear and still is to this day. Last time a storm hit, a lightning bolt hit me when I did not have the Thunder Helm on my head. I would of died if it wasnt for Miphas Grace that day.

The statue was quite bright and smooth, even after all the years it's been. I slid off of Goliaths back, grabbing his reins and tieing them to the old, rusted bar that rested in front  of the old fountain.

I gave him a light pat on his big head which he in return neighed at me. I pulled my mask up over my face, feeling like a ninja in my stealth gear.

Goliath and I had already passed Shea before stopping at the statue. She was standing there is the same little place where she normally stays whenever I pass her on my travels.

So, I quietly ran over to the little area where she ate, my running slowly decreased into a crouched walk. I watched her for a minute while I crept up on her. The rain seemed to have no effect on her coat. It looked like she almost enjoyed the rain.

Now I was just mere inches away from Shea. I could litterly touch her leg if I wanted to but, in fear getting kicked of the face, I dont dare to.

I now was right behind her, slowly standing up. Taking a deep breath, I jumped on her back which she neighed in surprise and shock. Shea stared bucking viciously, desperately trying to get me off her back.

While she kept bucking, I kept patting her neck gently and softly cooing calming words in her ear.

My hands started to get tired and right when I though I was going to be thrown off, she stopped bucking but still kept up her guard.

I let out a deep breath that I didnt even know I was holding. I had completed half of my mission. I tugged her yellow hair slightly, making her turn to the left. I whistled to Goliath before nudging Shea's side and riding back to the stable.
(Goliath wasnt tied down like how you tie a knot. His reins were just wrapped around the bar once so he could walk away from it without any trouble.)

My heart was pounding. The mission to get Shea was almost complete but the rain was getting even heavier and lightning was now starting to hit the ground in some places.

I pulled out the Thunder Helm and put it on. Even though it was metal, it created like a barrier for me and Shea if lightning were to hit.

Shea ran towards the bridge that connected the stable and the field together. I was so happy to see that bridge. But that didnt last long as a bolt of lightning slams onto the ground in front of Shea.

Without warning she threw me off from her back. I started panicking while rolling down the muddy slope. I tried to grab something, anything but I had no success.

Before hitting the water, my head made contact with a rock, my vision blurring to black.

•▪Time Skip and Sidons P.O.V▪•

I stood in the throne room with my father and Muzu. We currently were talking about me taking a trip to the castle. My father was the one who suggested for me to take the trip. But knowing Muzu, he was highly against it.

"No your highness! He should not go to the castle! Even though Calamity Ganon is gone there are still a few monsters that roam the lands. What will happen if he accidentally gets injured!?" Muzu stood there arguing with my father.

He has always been overprotective about me. At least ever since my sister lost her life as a Champion.

I looked up at my father who happened to be glancing at me. He rose his non visible eyebrow and smiled a little, technically telling me to slip away.

I nodded and quietly left the two arguing in the throne room.

•~Another Time Skip :3~•

I now stood atop of Lutos crossing bridge. Staying in the caslte all the time is rather boring. So here I am, enjoying the diving and the view of the water.

Looking around the area, I noticed a small yellow blob trying to drift away on the shore. Curiousity taking over, I jumped down from the top of the bridge and walked over to the unknown blob.

Reaching the tiny thing, I realized what it was. Dashing towards it I picked it up seeing links torn mask and battered clothes with a big gash wound on his head.

"Link! Hey can you hear me?!" I started panicking and leaned my head down to his chest. His breathing was shallow.

'Why in the name of Hylia is my sisters Grace not working?!' I grabbed the Sheikah slate that hung loosely on his hip and looked through it to see that Link had turned the Grace off some how.

'You idiot! Why did you turn it off?!' I yelled at Link in my mind. Strapping the Slate back onto his hip, I scooped him up bridle style and ran towards the castle since I couldnt swim with him in the water.

'Hang on Link, dont die on me please.'

Hiiiii!!!! Sry for the short chapter. I tried making this on my free time which is almost rare for me nowadays since the end of the school year is coming up. I'll still try to update as much as I can. During summer break though I'll have a ton more free time (hopefully) to write more.

Oh and in case you were wondering, Shadow stayed at the castle while Link went to find the horse. And how Link got to the Lutos crossing bridge......he woke up a few times while floating in the water and decided to go to the Zora Kingdom since it was closest to where he floated. But he passed out again before making it there fully.

Anddddddd, he didn't turn off his Miphas Grace. When he fell the slate kinda smashed into a rock causing a few glitches and malfunctions.

Ok that is it!! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Bye!!!!!


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