Chapter 3

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The morning was rather gloomy. The sky was grey, no birds chirped or even a stray soul was heard outside. I didn't feel like getting up but for some weird reason, I was being suffocated by the fluff ball that laid on my face.

Forgetting about the fox for a split second, I sit up quickly, catching my breath as the fluuf ball was yeeted to the end of my bed.

Immediately panicking, I leaned over and picked the fox up gently, looking to see if the throw did any damage to it.

With a sigh of relief, I placed the little thing down who still had a confused expression painted on its face.

'I apologize dear fox!' I thought as I still felt bad about the whole scene i caused a few seconds ago.

Turning my head to the clock, i nearly had a heart attack. It was 1 in the afternoon!!

I jumped out of bed, the blanket nearly tripping me as I rushed to my dresser that held all my clothes, including a few weapons I stashed in between.

Opening the creaky drawers, I pulled out my blue tunic and a pair of old hylian pants that were surprisingly in good shape.

Throwing my clean clothes on, I look over to my bed to see midnight eyes staring at me curiously. Easily I reached my hand over and let the fox inspect it. When it was done, it started to rub its head and face on my hand which I couldnt help but silently scream.
(Its a happy scream like when you accomplish something or see something adorable)

Picking up the little thing, I gently placed it on my covered shoulders, being careful of the wound.

Walking down my stairs and to my kitchen, a knock was heard from the door.

Opening it, I was met with Symin.

"Good afternoon Sir Link. Are you almost ready to depart?" He asked me kindly while glancing over to the little fluff resting on my shoulders.

To his question, I nodded and looked down at my feet, showing that I still needed to put some shoes on.

"I shall be waiting for you at the village gate. Meet me there when you are ready." I nodded again as I watched Symin disappear into the still gloomy crowd.

I closed the front door and grabbed my boots, slipping them on with ease. After I completed that small mission, I went to my table in the kitchen and grabbed my sword, shield, bow, and a few arrows.

Taking the little guy off my shoulders for a minute, which he had a fit over, I strapped my weapons to my back before putting the now happy fox back on my shoulders.

I grabbed an apple and some wild berries before heading to the door, leaving my home which will probably stay empty for a good few months.

When I made sure my door was locked, I headed to the bridge, Bolson waving me goodbye.

To be honest I was slightly nervous to go and travel again. I was going to make sure to stop by riverside stable to catch some fresh fish. Fishing was one thing I loved to do best, because I could use my bombs without many people questioning it.

At the entrance of the village, Symin stood there talking to Purah and held my bag of clothes and food.

"Oh Link. Are you ready to go?" Purah said to me, Symin turning around to look at me and the fox.

I nodded, grabbing my clothes bag from Symin.

"Ok Master Link. I hope you dont mind, we'll be taking another person along with us." I look to my right to see an slightly overweight man. He held a spear in his hand and kept his gaze foward. I looked back at Symin with confusion.
"When I start heading back to the village after our trip to the stable, it will be dark. Even though Clamity is gone, there are still some monsters that roam the plain."

"Ah that's why hes coming along." I thought while giving him a slight nod.

~•Time Skip•~

It was around maybe 9pm. Us three, or four cant forget the fox, made it to the dueling peaks stable with no problems. We did see a few monsters though along the way but, the didn't bother to attack us.

At the stable, Symin gave me my bag with food before patting Shadows head and waving me goodbye. And yes I named the fox Shadow. I cant pick names if my life depended on it.

I walked to the fire just in front of the stable, placing my stuff down beside the small wooden seat that rested there.

My plan so far was to get a good night's sleep before heading out in the morning. Though after Shadow and I eat.

Ok fun fact. I actually put the fox in this story based on my old cat the went missing last year. Her name was Olive and she was almost solid white except for a little grey streak on her head.
She use to love laying on my shoulders and would litterly throw a fit when I took her down. So I couldnt help but put a little bit of her into the story.

Also I apologize for making this chapter so short. The next chapter will be longer and absolutely be better.

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