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Lily Evans was a clever young woman. She had bright emerald eyes and gorgeous long auburn hair, a pale, freckly face, and an attitude as big as the sun. She was not one to mess with.

She was getting ready for her transfiguration lesson, pulling out her time turner, when two boys came walking into the corridor. She froze, obviously startled.

"You okay, Lils?" A voice said. She recognised it as Remus Lupin's.

Remus was a great friend, caring, funny, and rational. He was rather handsome, too. She would be lying if she said she hadn't had a crush on him as a tiny tot back in first year. He had gorgeous amber eyes, sandy blonde hair, a pale face with a scar running down, across it.

"Evans?" That voice? That was Sirius Black.

Sirius black was a very attractive person, hot-headed and irrational, but he had a big personality and big grey eyes with dark brown, shoulder-length hair.

She brought her attention back to them as they walked towards her, hand in hand. She smiled, happy for them. The whole school had made bets on Wolfstar.

"Oh sorry, I'm zoning out, I suppose, but yeh, I'm okay." She replied

Remus's eyes immediately caught the--

"Time turner? What do you have that for Lily?" He questioned.

"And.. what exactly is a timeturner?" Sirius was lost. As always.

"Oh honestly, Sirius! Do some reading, " Lily scolded. "A time turner is a necklace that was invented that can turn time backwards.. or.. forward. I got it at the start of the year from McGonagall."

"No way! Minnie would give it to her favourite student. I'm her favourite student." Sirius tried denying.

"For the record, I think that place is reserved for Potter and Potter only." Lily pointed out.

He feigned hurt, "RIGHT- JUST FOR THAT!" He grabbed the time turner from Lily's hands and ran, as fast as he could, to the gryffindor common room. Knowing full well, James and Peter would be there.

Lily chased after him.

"C'MON REMU!" Sirius screeched over his shoulder.


"HURRY UP, REMU!" Lily teased.

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