Wolfstar's promise

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Sirius and Remus walked for a while, in comfortable silence.

''I'm sorry Future me didn't believe future you. Judy know that I love you, and James, and Lily.'' Remus said

''I'd never betray you or James or Lily. People genuinely believed that I had betrayed you.''

''I'm sorry, love. I siriusly think we should stop being friends with Peter though.'' Remus said, matter-of-factly.

''SIRIUSLY? no way! But genuinely, I can't believe we never saw it? His animagus is literally a rat.''

Sirius grinned at his boyfriend.

''Right you are, love!'' Remus smiled.

They walked back to the tree near the lake and sat down.

Sirius looked around, spotting Lily and James facing each other, the other side of the lake.

''Do you think they'll get together while we're here?'' Remus asked, following Sirius' gaze.

''5 galleons, they get together in the next week.'' Sirius said, eyeing the two teenagers.

''Right... Bet they get together today.'' Remus was already aware Lily had feelings for James.

Lily had come to him a month earlier, complaining the new feelings she had when she saw James. Butterflies, blushing and imagining things..

''Today, you say?'' Sirius questioned.

Remus merely hummed in response.

''I'm intrigued. Deal.'' Sirius inquired.

Remus chuckled, laying his head on Sirius' shoulder.

''I love you, pads.''

''Love you too, moonshine.''


''Promise, moons. Always and forever.''

Like that, Remus fell asleep, on his boyfriend's shoulder, quite content.

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