The danger of a boggart

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Meanwhile, In defence against the dark arts, the sixth years were going over boggarts.

''Alright everyone, gather round! So, today we'll be going over the charm against boggarts! Can anyone tell me what a boggart is?'' Professor Lupin asked the class.

Immediately, Lily, Remus and James' hands shot up, along with some other gryffindor's.

''Lily? What's a boggart?'' Professor Lupin repeated the question.

''Nobody knows what a boggart looks like, as it takes the shape of the person standing in front of it's fear.'' Lily smiled.

''Very good, Lily! Get into a line, you all know the charm for the boggart, yes?''

Everyone nodded.

''Great! Ms. McLaughen, up you go.''


The boggart turned into a huge snake, showing off his sharp fangs.

Next student.


A clown.

Next student.



Then, went James.


Harry, Dead. A bloody knife in his stomach.


Sirius, dead. Pale, cold, lifeless eyes.


Remus, dying. Blood coming from the corner of his eyes.

''Prongs! Prongs, please! Help!'' Boggart Remus said.



His beautiful Lily, dead. Deep cuts across her Stomach and legs. Obviously cursed.

''Ridikulus!'' James cried.

Staggering back to his seat, he never noticed Sirius, Remus or Lily's boggart. How Sirius' boggart was James telling him he failed him, he failed his brother. How Remus' boggart was him, Lily and Sirius, lying in a pile, werewolf bites on our neck. How Lily's was just like his.

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