Sirius owes 5 galleons

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James walked with Lily, hand-in-hand. He wanted everything Harry said about his and Lily's relationship to be true.

''So.. that was quite a lot of information to take in, wasn't it?'' Lily asked. She wanted to know desperately how he felt about everything.

''It was. Can't help feeling a bit overwhelmed about it though. We get married, we have a son, Peter betrays us, we die, Harry survives, Sirius is framed, Remus is left all alone. Its terrifying.''

''And quite alot of information to be given in the span of 5 minutes.'' Lily finished.

Lily was suprised. She was expecting a stupid answer. The boy she knew yesterday didn't seem to be anywhere near the boy she was talking to now.

''How are you feeling about everything?'' James returned her question.

''Same as you really. Terrified, overwhelmed and upset. It's cruel. I want to know how Harry's years at Hogwarts have been. Knowing he survived the killing curse, I mean, he's not exactly safe, is he?''

They came to a stop.

''No I suppose not. He has friends and people that care about him when we can't, lils. He's not alone, that's for sure.'' James replied, cupping Lily's face.

''James Potter! Who knew you could be so wise!'' Lily teased.

James, surprisingly blushed and let out a low chuckle.

All of a sudden, she couldn't hold it back anymore. She took hold of his tie, yanked him down till they were millimetres away from eachother. Still staring into eachother's eyes.

Lily leaned in and kissed him.

James was shocked, not expecting that in the slightest, but then melted into the kiss.

James pulled away, looked into her eyes.

''You're a good kisser, Evans.''

Lily blushed.

''Bloody adorable too.''

''Shush, potter.''

''Hmm.. last time I checked, that was your surname?''

''I can't do this any longer..'' Lily mumbled.

''Do what?'' James asked, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

Lily sighed.

''James Potter, never thought I'd be saying this, but for the past few months, you've been making me feel weird. At first, I thought it was jealousy. Your so talented and perfect at everything. But now, I've come to realise, I've developed feelings for you. I was in denial, I think it started in fourth year. You are so special to me, even if we didn't get to raise our son, I'm happy I got to be with you-''

Lily didn't finish as James crashed his lips against hers.

Lily pulled away, still nervous for his reaction.

''I'm happy too. So, Lily Evans, will you be my girlfriend? Then wife?''

Lily smiled, Of course James would say something like that.

''Of course.''

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