Bye Bambi

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"It's soon time for our favourite marauding time travelers to return back to their timeline. I have to say i never expected something like this to happen, but i am proud of what you were able to accomplish, and how everyone stayed composed and friendly—"

"I can't believe this is the end- It's insane!" Harry spluttered, as everyone else listened to the wise, grey-haired wizard.

"I know kid, it's gone so quick, but I'm still chuffed that we were able to meet!" James said with a hearty smile.

The others smiled and turned back to Dumbledore's end of year speech.

"—And although this seems like the end, this is just the beginning. For our Hogwarts students, for our 7th year graduates, and for our friends from the 70s; I hope you've had the best year yet!"

And with that, the end of year feast appeared on the tables, as everyone's dug into their plates.

The next morning, before the students got on the train, The marauders (and Lily) were standing up front, infront of the Hogwarts population. The Golden Trio were standing next to them.

"Bye bambi, it's crazy that this has happened but i'm so proud of you!" James said with a laugh

"And we know we're not yet your actual parents but we're still proud of you!" Lily smiled her usual caring grin

"Keep him on his toes, that's the way you've got to do it, you'll have so much fun and he'll never know what to expect." Remus whispered to Hermione, who looked at the dirty blond with a questioning look,

"Oh please! Anybody can see you like red heads!" Remus smirked, as he pointedly directed his eyes towards Ron, who he himself, was exchanging some last minute prank ideas with Sirius.

"Pft! You mean how anybody could see that you like certain dark headed pure bloods?" Hermione challenged back, with a laugh.

Even though they weren't her parents, they still felt like a strange sort of family. And to be honest, Harry was a brother to her so she guessed they were almost her parents too..

Remus laughed whole heartedly.

"Right come on, group hug!" James chimed

and with a laugh, The new big group of marauders had one last group hug—

"—I'm sorry to interrupt but i believe it's time for you to be spinning your trinket back to the 70s!" Dumbledore said, as his eyes gave that usual twinkling light.

"Thank you sir, we wouldn't have been able to do it without you!" Lily said.

"Ah but thank you, Miss Evans, You, and the Marauders, have helped me just as much as I, you."
He winked.

With one last whisper of "I'll miss you", the Golden Trio moved away, but not before Harry placed a last piece of parchment in Sirius' hand.

And with that, Dumbledore gave the Time turner a spin, and just as the marauders disappeared, he cast his obliviate. He couldn't have the people of the past knowing the future could he now?

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