Chapter 7

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"I just feel as though she demonstrated sexism, Porrim, I'm not attempting to initiate any sort of attack on your femininity."
"Kankri, I don't know how many times I must inform you, but men do not experience sexism as sexism, historically, is the systematic oppression of a gender or genders. She could not have been sexist to you."
"Could you not consider it oppression to blatantly ignore the rights of males in an ill-named equality protest?"
"While it is true that in some (albeit rather few) regards women are given the upper hand over men, women are overall treated lesser to men, so it's only fair that we are given an opportunity to request that we are for once-" Porrim gasped for effect. "Equal to you?"
On almost a daily basis, Porrim and Kankri argued in such a manner.
"Could you two hold this lil discussion for another time?" Cronus interjected. "I don't want you bothering my eatin'."
"You're fine, Cronus," was Porrim's reply.
"Then I'll find Meenah."
"If they have this lunch period, go right ahead, but I'm not positive she and Aranea will appreciate your company."
"Porrim, that was rather uncalled for," Kankri said. "Apologize to Cronus!"
Cronus frowned slightly. "Now now, there's no nee-"
"She acted rudely and she insulted your likability."
"Yeah, well I caught that part..."
"Fine, I'm sorry Cronus," Porrim apologized, crossing her arms.
"O-oh, so you're actually apologizin'?" Cronus grinned a little.
"Don't push it."
"Ay, Kankri, Porrim!" The three turned their head to see Meenah approaching, accompanied by Meulin.
As they got to the group, Cronus asked, "Hey, where's Kurloz and Aranea at?"
"They both got different lunches," Meenah answered.
"Now," Kankri started in an irritated tone. "if we may continue our discussion after being so rudely interrupted." He turned to Cronus.
"Is he bothering you with his meninist crap again, Porrim?" Meenah said with a sigh.
"Oh, no, I'm not a meninist, Meenah, for the same rea-"
"Yeah yeah I don't care." Kankri was waved off by Meenah. "Let's just find us a place to eat." She lead her four friends down the hall to the lunch room.
When they entered, it wasn't too busy, since it was still warm enough outside to eat in the courtyard. The group found a table to eat at, so they proceeded to sit down with their meals.
"Hey, is that Rufioh?" Meenah noticed before anyone started eating. Rufioh was chatting across the lunchroom with a couple of people the others had never seen before.
"Let's go over there and ask if he would li-" Kankri started. He didn't even get to finish his sentence before he was cut short by his friends shouting "RUUUUUFFIIOOOOOOOHHH."
Rufioh swiveled his head around, as did half of the lunchroom. He turned to his new friends to say something before running over to his group of older friends, a chain of (hopefully) fake bones clinking at his side.
He reached the table and leaned upon it with one hand. "You guys could have just came over and got me..." Rufioh started. "You didn't need to shout across the cafeteria."
"What friends would we be if we did that?" Meenah smiled.
"Normal ones?" Rufioh grinned back at her as he took a seat in between Meulin and Cronus. "Nice to see you all... How's high school been?"
"It's only the first day," Cronus commented. "Nothin' too hard to handle."
"You cried on the first day of seventh grade," Kankri interjected. "You don't need to lie about being sensitive to cha-"
"Can you not butt in right now?" Cronus hissed at him. Kankri jerked back in surprise. "I apologize, Cronus, but you need to work on your tone."
"Are you not going back to your friends, Rufioh?" Meulin rerouted the conversation again, speaking slightly loudly.
"They aren't friends, doll, just some people I was talking to." He signed back to her as he spoke.
"Classic Rufioh," Porrim said. "I constantly marvel at your charisma."
Suddenly, the ringing of the bell signaled the end of lunch. Meenah frowned. "They won't even give us time to eat here!" She stood up. "I'll sea ya all later." She took her lunch box from the table and waved. Meulin got up to join her. Everyone else stood and said goodbye to one another before going to their separate classes.

(A/N: Hey yall, sorry for the hiatus! I just haven't been able to find the time to update. Thanks for sticking with me and reading my story!! You all are great!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2015 ⏰

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