grumpy kisses

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How are you doing?
Just a random drabble that was on my mind and won't let me actually sleep,so I had to write it

Jungkook said in his husky morning voice simultaneously tightening the grip he had on Taehyung's waist.

"But baby you promised!?!"
Taehyung whined,and even tho Jungkook had his eyes closed he knew a pout was already formed on his adorable boyfriend's face.

"I promise it would be tomorrow,please just let me sleep today"
Jungkook requested with his eyes closed and hands caressing his baby's sides to coax him.

Its just that Jungkook isn't a morning person by any sorts--like hell to the no!!!
His morning started after 10 am and that too,by his dear boyfriend's many many requests and lots and lots of kisses.

Every member of their group was aware of this,so it went as an unsaid rule in their dorm that--"no one can wake Jungkook up except for Taehyung"

And if by any chance Jungkook gets up and doesn't see his boyfriend the first thing in the morning---he would be grumpy and sulky the whole day.

But it is nothing that Taehyung can't handle,of course he would do anything it took him to not make his boyfriend grumpy,but if those times came he knew how to handle them well.

A lot of attention from Tae,being clingy to him all day,asking for kisses at any time,lots of cuddles and there we go---Jungkook would be back to his normal self.

But today it was Taehyung who was pleading him to get up early.
Actually Jungkook had promised him that he would take Tae on a brekkie date,to his favorite restaurant where they served--"the most amazing pancakes" according to him,well Jungkook had obviously scoffed mentally thinking that he could make the best pancakes in the world for his baby.

But as Jeon Jungkook was a weak man for Kim Taehyung and was even weaker for those puppy eyes with that adorable pout,he promised him that he would take him out on a breakfast date.

But now lying in his comfy warm bed with his boyfriend Jungkook did not had it in him to keep that promise.

But Taehyung was not willing to back down,he so wanted to go there with his boyfriend.

So he kept wiggling in his hold and tossing and turning around,so that Jungkook would wake up.

"Tae,please I promise we would go there tomorrow,let me sleep please baby" he said and shuffled their bodies closer.

Taehyung nosed at Jungkook's neck and was running his nose along the collarbones of his boyfriend.

"But Koo,you promised" he said in his tiny voice.

And it was that voice--that damned voice,which made Jungkook want to lay everything precious in this world on his boyfriend's feet.

And so after whining for a bit,and mentally slapping himself for making such a promise and being so godammn whipped for his boyfriend he finally decided to open his eyes.

And the first thing he saw was Tae's face lying close to his,and the spark in his eyes with a mischievous smile,that obviously meant--"I won"

"Good morning koo"the words followed with a kiss on Jungkook's nose tip.

"Let's go get ready! I'm so excited!!" Taehyung said in a jolly voice.

"Of course you are" Jk said while closing his eyes again.

Tae smiled.
"I'll give you 10 kisses every hour of the day" he tried to make a deal with  his boyfriend.

A smile made its way to Jungkook's face.This was something he was pleased to hear.

Now waking up didnt seem so bad.

"Hmm,no make it 15,then we shall see" Jungkook retaliated.

"12 at most"

"14,baby you've got yourself a deal" Jungkook said and pecked Tae on his lips and was swiftly getting up from their bed.

"Come on,get up let's go get you those pancakes and get me my kisses" he declared.

And even tho Jungkook was grumpy the whole day,he didnt regret his decision of waking up and taking his boyfriend to this date.

For the smile that Taehyung showed him,was worth more than Jungkook's sleep.

He could wake up every morning,to see Tae smile like this(but you won't actually ask him to get up right?)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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