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"What do you mean he's actually insane?" Ray screamed at the nurse, Autumn, who just broke some terrifying news to him.

"Ray, I-I'm sorry. We ran some tests on his brain, and the doctors found something wrong with the chemicals in it. They still don't know exactly what's wrong, but I promise, as soon as something is determined, I w-will tell you immediately." Autumn was visibly shaking, obviously scared of the screaming teen in front of her. Even though they've been friends for years, she still flinched every time he yelled.

In fact, she pretty much knew everyone in town; she was one of the first people to live there. Everyone knew who she was anyways because she was the only nurse in the entire hospital. The 16-year-old was known as the sweetest person in the entire village.

She was also known as the most nervous, constantly jumping at the slightest things. Why? Only a select few know.

"Can I visit him?" Ray softened his voice. He was referring to his brother Ryan. Ryan was found guilty for several murders and animal cruelties. He was lucky enough to just be sent to the hospital.

"No, Ray, I'm sorry. We can't let anyone visit him either, not until we find out what's wrong with him." Autumn had genuine concern for Ray and his family, which consisted of six brothers.

Geoff was nineteen, which meant he was the oldest. He liked to drink when he first arrived, but has toned it down since last year. He is the most responsible, with having to take care of himself and 5 others.

Jack was 17, and even more responsible than Geoff. He was very nice and respectful, as long as you returned the favor. Otherwise, he'll flip you off.

Ryan was 16, and as now known, was actually insane. He kept animals in holes and known as, according to his brother Michael, "a sick bastard." Otherwise, he's a lovable character who cares very much about his family.

Ray was also 16, and really loved video games. He would play them constantly and was always seen with some sort of handheld device. He was like Ryan, very lovable and cares about his family.

Michael and Gavin were 13-year-old twins. They called themselves "Team Nice Dynamite" and somehow always got into trouble. Michael was loud and short-tempered; Gavin was slow-minded and very creative. He also, for some reason, talks in a British accent.

They moved here all together about 2 years ago. They moved into a small house for the 6 of them, and it's always loud in there. Ray would sometimes go to a cliff nearby and just play things like Pokemon and Zelda there. Sometimes Autumn would join him.

"Okay, fine." Ray sighed, looking extremely defeated. "Do you wanna come to our usual spot later?" He looked into Autumn's sapphire eyes, looking for the light in them. It vanished recently, and Ray would like to know why.

"Don't you have to watch the twins today?" She tilted her head and smiled knowingly. It was Thursday; he always had to take care of the boys on Thursday.

"Oh shit, you're right. Oh well, they can come with us." Ray wasn't trying to make the meet-up romantic or anything.

"Yeah, I'll come. I have nothing better to do anyways." She looked back at the stairs warily.

"Autumn," She looked back at Ray. "How's Seto doing?" Seto was Autumn's older brother. He was rushed to the hospital around four months ago, and no one ever found out why.

Autumn looked at the ground. "He's still an empty shell. He won't respond to anything." She looked back up at Ray, her eyes watery. "He won't talk to me. I think his depression is finally over taking him." Autumn cared a lot about her brother. Something happened with their family, and they had to come to this village.

Nurse Autumn Rayn, Please Report to the Sick Ward. The doctor's voice came over the loud speaker. Autumn looked at Ray, and sniffed, "I'm sorry; I have to go. I'll talk to you later."

"It's okay, Raynie. I'll see you later."


"Michael, please, if you keep horsing around with Gavin like that, one of you is going to fall." Ray turned to his brothers as they walked along the narrow path up the hill. Autumn chuckled softly, swinging her arm without the picnic basket.

"We wouldn't want Vav to fall now would we?" She called back to them.

"Yeah Micoo! Then there would be no one to help you stop the Mad King!" Ray felt a sudden twang of sadness. The two didn't know about Ryan's mental health. As far as Autumn knew, only Ray and Geoff were told.

Autumn sensed Ray's sudden sadness, and slowed down to put her arm around him. She spoke in a low tone. "Don't worry Ray. I promise Ryan will be alright. You know about me and promises." It was true; Autumn never broke a promise.

"Thanks Autumn." They reached the summit, The Cliff of Endings. This was a site for many suicides. Below the cliff was a bunch of rocky spikes.

Autumn immediately sat down on a nearby grass patch. Ray laughed and sat down next to her. She pulled out various sandwiches and some hot chocolate from the food court in the mall. "When did you get these?" Michael asked, sitting down next to Gavin.

"Right after I got off of work. I'm good friends with Alex, so I get a discount." Alex was the owner of the Kakariko mall. He was very nice and loved what he did.

"Dude, you're good friends with everyone in this village." Ray remarked. Autumn just shrugged in response.


They finished their food in 15 minutes flat and relaxed for a bit. Michael and Gavin then started horsing around while Ray and Autumn sat and talked. Actually, Ray had his arms around Autumn, and she was watching Ray play Pokemon. "Ray, you're an idiot."

"What, why?" Ray was battling Wallace in Pokemon Omega Ruby.

Autumn shook her head. "Why are you using a Blaziken? You're versing a water type."

"Well, he can Mega-Evolve so."

"Just use your Rai-" Her sentence was cut off by screams coming from the twins. Ray immediately closed his DS and shot up. Autumn followed him.

Michael was pulling on something; Gavin was nowhere to be found. It took Autumn a moment to realize that Gavin was falling over the edge.

Michael was pulling with all his might, trying to get the blond back onto the cliff. Gavin was screaming, trying to get a foothold. Ray darted over to Michael, trying to help. Autumn was frozen in fear. The two boys pulled for a minute or so, but their efforts were futile. Michael's hand slipped, and Gavin started falling to his doom.

"No!" Autumn yelled; Gavin stopped falling. He was floating in the air, completely dumbfounded. Ray looked back at the girl. She was concentrating extremely hard. A light blue aura streamlined out of her hands and over the cliff side.

Ray looked back at Gavin, who was slowly floating towards him and his mesmerized brother. When he was finally set down, all three of them looked Autumn.

She stared back at them, panting. "Please don't tell anyone."

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