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Kill everyone. Fuck everyone.

Put everyone in a hole.

One day we will rule the world.

The voices- as Ryan called them, his demons- constantly echoed through this head. Especially when it was silent. "Can you guys fuck off? I'm just trying to read." He mumbled.

The heart rate monitor continued to beep. He didn't really understand why he was hooked up to it, but he never really minded it. It gave some noise in the otherwise silent hospital.




The door to his room opened, and he put his book down. Autumn came in, the biggest smile on her face. Her eyes were another story. They were tired, sad even. Ryan decided against asking about it.

"I have great news Ryan!" She was pretty much overflowing with excitement. The reason for which Ryan did not know. "We found out what's wrong!"

Oh fuck.

Oh shit.

"Really? That's great!" Ryan equally returned the excitement.

"We diagnosed what you have based on some tests. Mr. Ryan Hunter, you have schizophrenia. Very low scale, easy to treat. Unfortunately, it's not curable."

We've been found out.

"So, I won't be crazy anymore?" Ryan really hoped so. He hated being mean.

"Nope! All you should have to do is take this medication!" She held up a tiny bottle of pills. Ryan could barely read the label from where he was.

"Should?" He didn't like the sound of that.

Autumn looked at the label. "There are some side effects, but they shouldn't be a big problem."

Refuse it, fool.

Autumn continued, "We'll need to keep you here another week, just to see if the side effects are really serious."

Don't take it.

You'll never survive without us.

As Autumn walked closer, Ryan smiled. He took the bottle and opened it. Taking a pill, he swallowed it.

You've made a grave mistake.

"Great! Hopefully you're demons will be gone by tomorrow!" She turned to leave.

"Wait." Autumn turned to face Ryan again. "How did you know I called them my demons?" His face contorted to a look of suspicion.

Autumn's cheeks turned a light shade of pink. Her body language immediately turned shy. "Um, you may or may not talk in your sleep." She smiled sheepishly.

Ryan sighed. "Great." He mumbled.

"Don't worry." Autumn assured as she put her hands up. "The medication should take care of that too."

"Okay, thanks Autumn." He started to read the label on the bottle.

"No problem Ryan, I'll see you later." Autumn shut the door as she walked out.

That's strange, Ryan thought, what was on her wrist?


It wasn't until much later that Ray strolled in. He had a perplexed look on his face, as if he were thinking about it all day. He was carrying a notebook and pen. Autumn took the notebook from him and sat down in the waiting area. There were a few words in it. I feel like shit. I can't hear or speak right now, but I was confused about what you told me.

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