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"Wait, so you're a sorceress?" Ray was standing in front of Autumn while she sat on a flat rock. Gavin was still shaking, and Michael was hugging him. Their backs were to the dense forest that rested on the hill.

"Yeah." Autumn didn't understand why Ray was freaking out so hard. They've known each other for years; why would they stop being friends now?

"I thought sorcerers and sorceresses were evil." There have been few famous leaders that were magical. They had all been ruthless rulers.

Autumn stared at him incredulously and shook her head. "God no. Most sorcerers were good people. Only the evil ones were ever remembered though." Her leg was bouncing at an incredible speed.

"Were you ever gonna tell me?" Ray thought that she would tell him eventually.

She shook her head again. He thought wrong. "Never?"

She shifted uncomfortably and tried to take up less space. "Ray, you've seen people get thrown into the jail just for having normal powers. If I was found out, I would get executed on the spot. No trial, no chance of survival."

Ray lowered his voice. "Is that why you're always jumpy?" Autumn nodded. Ray looked at Autumn, who looked like she wanted to break down and cry. He lowered his voice to a whisper. "Is Seto a sorcerer?" She nodded again, tears finally sliding down her face.

Ray hugged her as she sobbed. Gavin eventually calmed down enough to realize what was happening and tried to calm Autumn. Michael soon joined, rubbing his hand against her back. She never completely calmed down, still shaking and crying, but her breathing did return to normal eventually. She finally calmed down when she fell asleep.

Ray smiled down at his best friend. "Mogar," he turned to his brother, "get the basket." Ray picked up Autumn and started walking down the hill. Gavin and Michael walked quickly to catch up.

"Is Raynie sleeping over?" Gavin asked in a low voice.

"Well Gavin, I'm not letting her be home alone. So yes. And you don't have to talk quietly; she'll sleep through anything." Ray smiled. They walked through the residential part of the village. Some of the houses were big and beautiful. Some were medium sized but still nice. Then there were houses like the Hunter household. It was tiny and not fit for his large family.

"Hey Chris, how are you?" Ray nodded to his neighbor, the owner of the jail. Chris glared at him and said nothing. Ray sighed. "Good talk," he mumbled as Gavin opened the door.

Ray immediately walked up into his room while the twins went into theirs. Ray put Autumn on his bed and sat at his desk. He opened his DS back up and continued his battle.


Autumn woke up later at around 8:00 pm. Her cheeks were red, and her eyes were bloodshot. She looked especially nervous at that moment. "Raynie, are you okay?" Ray walked over to his bed and sat down.

"N-no. I c-can't be here now." She kept glancing in the direction of Chris's house.

Ray also looked in the direction she kept glancing. He saw nothing peculiar, so he wondered why she kept looking there. "Why not?" She only shook her head and looked more afraid. "Autumn, please tell me."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I just can't Ray." She looked at him. "I can't. Not here, not now. If I say anything, I'm dead." Ray understood what she meant now. If she mentions anything about her powers in his house, she runs the risk of Chris overhearing them. Ray got up and walked over to his desk. He rummaged through his drawers, finally finding a notebook and pen. He scribbled some words onto the paper and handed it to Autumn. Is it because of Chris? Ray wrote.

Yeah, Autumn replied, He's a truly evil being.

Ray sighed, closed his eyes, and leaned back. He heard fast scribbling from the pencil. He opened his eyes again and read the message. Are we still friends? Ray looked at her. She looked extremely worried, as if something like this happened before. Ray realized that she didn't want anyone to find out, or else she'd lose friends. He also realized that she needed to be protected, that she was slowly breaking down both inside and outside.

Of course we are, we both need someone in this world. As soon as Autumn read the message, her body language immediately relaxed. Ray knew he said the right thing; he actually meant what he wrote. He made a promise to himself to make sure to never fight with the girl next to him. If he ever did, he wouldn't let it destroy their bond. He figured out something else out, something happy, and quickly wrote it down. Since you're a sorceress, can you heal Ryan? He wrote down excitedly.

No, Ray, I'm sorry. There are only specific sorcerers who can do that. I'm not one of them. Even if I was, I would only be able to speed up the healing process of physical wounds. It's not possible to heal mental illnesses. If I could, I would. As Ray read this, he immediately lost hope. He should've knew the answer; he should've never asked the question. He should've known there was no hope for Ryan. Autumn pushed the notebook back in front of him. Don't lose hope, Ray, I never said there was no hope for him. There's always hope for everyone. Whoever says there's no hope for anyone is a liar. Ray could clearly see the optimism. Autumn was known for being optimistic, but Ray knew she could also be a pessimist.

A thump came from the other room. The two 16-year-olds walked over to Ryan's room, walking in to see the twins in there. Michael was on the floor; Gavin was on the bed. Michael looked like he wanted to cry, while Gavin just looked confused. "What the hell happened?" Ray asked.

Michael swallowed hard. "G-Gavin pushed me off the bed."

Gavin looked at Ray wide-eyed. "I-I didn't mean to."

"Just don't do it again idiots." Ray sighed and walked out of the room.

Autumn walked over to Michael. "Are you okay?"

Michael nodded. "Just my back hurts a little. I'll be fine." Autumn smiled and walked back into Ray's room.

Michael swore he saw some marks on Autumn's wrist.

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