chapter11- Tours?

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I wake up around 10am and i notice how normani and ally aren't laying on the sofas like last night, I stand up and step over camila who has fell off the sofa landing on top of dinah who was laying on the floor...ohh just wait till they wake up to see themselves practically nose to nose haha!

I walk into the kitchen to see normani and ally dancing around to the radio while cooking breakfast,  "Morning Lolo!" ally says pecking my cheek and i smile,  "Morning allycat, morning manibear" i say before lifting the paper Simon left us.

I pin it to the noticeboard on the wall and normani looks at me curiously, "wait till the others are up and I'll explain" I say helping the girls by pouring fresh apple juice into glasses and setting them on the breakfast bar where their are plates lined up.

"I'll go wake them" i say running into the lounge and quickly take a picture of caminah before loudly yelling, "wake up caminah! your practically making out there" and dinah shoots up smacking her head against camila's who just groans burying her head back into dinah's chest. "oh and camila, ally and mani made food" i say and she nudges dinah, "to the kitchen!" she yells and dinah laughs getting up and carrying her into the kitchen and as they pass i make a cracking whip sound with my phone.

"Whipped!" i say as we all burst out laughing and start to eat breakfast sharing the occasional joke, "okay down to business girls, while you were all asleep except ally who woke up half way through, uncle si visited and picked up our album statistics had also dropped off this saying we should think about opening for someone's tour" i say sliding the paper from the noticeboard over to the girls and camila starts squealing instantly.

"mila what is it? I didn't look at it" i say and she squeals again, "Demi freaking Lovato wants us to open for her Neon Lights Tour?!!" she kinda yells fangirling which normani is recording on her phone while we laugh at her. "so neon lights tour is a definite yes! what about the others?" i say and ally reads off the sheet, "Cher Lloyd's 'i wish' tour and Austin mahone 'live on tour' what about them?" ally says placing the sheet back on the counter and we shrug,  "let's think about them later...first I'm going to phone demi" i say pulling my phone out.

I'm going to try and make my chapters longer for you CamiCabello97
thanks for the advice♡

I'm having to work on an interview which I should have in the next week or so and I'm really nervous and have lots to do :/ but I'll try and update if I'm not passed out somewhere lol ;)

hope you enjoy♡
i Love you guys♡

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