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The swelling of the heart and the pound on the chest. The intoxicated aura fulfilment in my body. The featherness feeling as if I was self medicating, except I am not. The mesmerising scent that signals I am home. The playful brown eye staring back into mine. The smiles mirroring from one and other. The feeling of cloud nine the minute the door reveals your presence. The teenage feelings come rushing back as if you are the first boy to have entered my life. The way the demons disappear and I'm faced with pure happiness. The arms that pull me to your chest that help me nap peacefully. The tickles that run up and down my spine. The feeling of want, need and desire. The messy bed and movie nights, the drop of the game and the focus on me. The feeling of perfectness even when perfect is a myth. The way you are all my colours in one at full brightness. The way I used to believe this word was a myth except you've got me wrapped around your little finger. The way there's so many things that I am feeling that I could never describe them all.

The feeling of love.

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