im fine...

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You land back in Seattle and Arizona hasn't said anything since she asked for the window seat when we got on the plane and all she's done the entire plane ride has been staring out the window that's it no emotions nothing... Maybe this is how she grieves? But she has nothing to grieve about when April is alive. I still don't know how she's doing but she's alive

Arizona: So I will meet you at the hospital? I can text you her room number if you want.

You: why would I meet you there? I'm coming with you there's already a cab outside for us

Arizona: oh... Ok then...

You both get into the cab and it's a very quiet awkward car ride to the hospital when you get there she slowly gets out of the car as you grab the bags from the back you help walk her in slowly because at least now you were a few floors away from April instead of a few countries...

You guys get to Aprils room*

Arizona: you can umm stay here Im ok...

You: are you sure?

Arizona: Im sure its fine y/n

You: ok sure but I will be right here Im not going to leave I promise!

You kiss her on top of her head*

You stand outside of the ICU looking at Arizona she's sitting by the edge of April's bed

She looks so sad. I want to be there for her but I don't know where to draw the line with her. I don't know if she likes to be cuddled or not or if she just wants to be left alone... I dont know these things about my fiance... No, you know what she needs me I will go up to her

You: oh hey! Bailey, can you watch our bags for me, please?

Bailey: well no actually I have a surgery in-

You: great thank you!

You walk in behind Arizona trying to be quiet

Arizona: I could hear the door open and I know you're there...

You: right Im sorry I just wanted to know how you're doing are you ok?

You step closer to her

Arizona: yeah umm Im fine *sniffles* and wipes her face

You: Arizona I don't know how your feeling because all you keep saying is Im fine but I know your not, your crying, and when someone is crying it's because theyre either in pain or are sad and I hope that youre not in pain but I do know that you are sad and thats ok its ok to be sad but you need someone on your side in your corner who isn't going to leave and me being your fiance its a pretty big Im staying sign

There's a long silence

She looks down at the floor and then looks back up at you

Arizona: y/n seriously Im fine just please go home

You: but Arizona-

Arizona: Y/N! Please! She starts to cry

You: i.. *sniffles* I'm staying right outside the doors and I'm not going home...

You walkout

Bailey: Finally what's wrong with Arizona is she ok? No, I can't hear it. I have surgery Good luck y/n!

As she runs off

You wait by the nurses desk the whole day and Arizona has fallen asleep on the side of April's bed you can't take your eyes off of her though


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