the world is full of surprises...

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The next morning*

You both get ready and head to work

At work*

You and Arizona have a lot of work most of the day is surgeries and you go by the nurses station to finish up some last-minute charts when Arizona comes up behind you and grabs your waist

You: oh hi!

Arizona: hii!

She spins you around and kisses you*

You: so Im assuming you had an amazing day like me!

Arizona: yup! No losses today you ready to go home?

You: yeah sure! Let me just finish up these charts

You can barely finish your sentence when a code blue goes off

Arizona: oh crap!

You both rush into the room to assess the situation

Arizona starts compressions*

Arizona: what happened here?

Nurse: umm Wallace Anderson 10 years old been in here for 7 months and has been here in and out for 2 years he has short gut syndrome hes had 15 intestinal surgeries to date and a bowel lengthening procedure which only helped for a few months coding for an unknown reason

Arizona: ok he has blood

You: he has blood in his abdomen its filling up quickly we need an OR STAT lets move people!

The nurse looks at Arizona

Arizona: you heard doctor Sloan LETS MOVE!

In the OR

Arizona: I need some suction I cant see anything there is way too much blood

You try and suction but theres too much blood like Arizona said so you start scooping with your hands

Arizona: good job Dr. Sloan I can start to see

Arizona: got it! She clamps the bleeder why is it still bleeding? She says in a panic

Arizona: now where is it coming from? Wait, Dr. Sloan, I need someone suction its happening again but you need to work faster!

You: Im trying! Its not working hes bleeding too fast!

Arizona: Damm it! Hes coding get me some heart paddles and charge to 20!

Arizona: CLEAR

Arizona: come on Wallace you got this dont give up on us now... Charge again!

Arizona: CLEAR

Arizona: Wallace come on... Charge again! CLEAR

You: Arizona

Arizona: no! Do not give up on him y/n do not!

You: Arizona hes been down for 30 minutes hes not coming back

Arizona: no no no no! He cant die on us now...

Nurse: is someone going to call it?

Arizona and you at the same time: SHUT UP

Arizona: god...

You: time of death 21:40

Arizona: can you umm...

You: yes of course I will come to find you dont worry about it...

You close Wallace to be prepped for the morgue and you go to find Arizona

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