can you see anything?

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You start to open your eyes all you can see is darkness still when the room starts to lighten up and all you can see is the bright light and blurriness almost nothing at all you dont say anything because you dont want to concern anyone you lay there for a few minutes when suddenly you hear Derek start to talk and it startles you because you didnt know who was in the room you can feel Arizona on the side of your bed her head was rested right beside your legs

Derek: Hey umm Arizona shes awake

Arizona jolts her head up and grabs your hand

Arizona: hey! Sweetie, youre awake! How are you feeling?

You move your head in her direction *you hope*

You: I- I'm ok I think.. how's-

Derek: shes ok shes in recovery are you ok? Do you remember what happened?

You: there was a fire and I remember bringing that girl to the ER and passing out and Arizona catching me

Derek: good thats good can you hold out your arms for me? *you hold out your arms and he pushes down on them to try and see if your reflexes are still good

Derek: good good your reflexes are good now can you follow the light with your eyes please

He holds the flashlight up and notices that you can't follow it properly*

Derek: can you see the light?

You dont say anything you just sit in silence and you can feel Arizona looking at you with sadness on her face*

Derek: y/n?

You shake your head no and start to play with your fingers*

Derek looks up at Arizona they both have shock on their face*

Derek: it is possible that you cant see anything for the time being but as of this point I dont know why you can't see so all we can do right now is hope that it will come back in a short amount of time... Im sorry I dont have a better explanation.

You: its ok Derek I know you didnt do anything wrong

Derek smiles* Ill leave you two alone..

Arizona stays quiet for a second when you hear her sniffle

You: hey no tears its ok Im ok

Arizona: I know I know its just... You really cant see anything?

You: no.. I can't everything is blurry I can barely see lights

You can hear her start to cry a little bit more*

You: Arizona.. No tears..

Arizona: I know I know it just hurts not to hug you right now..

You: who said you cant?

Arizona: the burns on your legs *she chuckles and wipes her tears*

You: yeah but theyre basically all on my legs so come here..

Arizona: are you sure I dont want to hurt you..

You: you wont I promise come here..

She slowly climbs into bed with you carefully trying not to hurt you. You rest your head on her shoulder and she ends up falling asleep cuddled up beside you

Time jump*

Its been almost 2 months still in the hospital. Arizona hasn't left you almost at all.

Almost all of your burns have healed pretty nicely thanks to Jackson even though it was very painful and half the time you wanted to give up Arizona was always there and helping you get through the pain. Youve gotten pretty used to being blind your ears and your nose have gotten better and you're pretty good at walking without seeing anything and youve been to physical therapy every day since your surgery and you gained almost all of your motor function back.

Arizona: did you hear that? You get to go home! Im so excited!

You: Im blind, not deaf Arizona

Derek: ok no need to be rude y/n..

Arizona: no its ok Derek she's pissed its ok

You: no it's not it's just- ugh Im just so sick of being blind I want to be able to walk straight ahead of me and not be worried that Im going to run into a crash cart because I could see. Im sorry.

Arizona: Hey baby its ok... It will take time I know but that's ok we can go back to Merediths house and you can just relax while I look for somewhere that we can live I think it's kind of time..

You: yeah they probably won't want to deal with me being blind anyway..

Arizona: Woah, hey no that's not what I meant

You: it's fine can we just go please.

She looks up at Derek and sighs umm yeah lets get you to the car.. she grabs your hand but you pull it away*

You: I can still walk.

Arizona: right ok. Im sorry.

You manage to leave the hospital without a lot of help from Arizona but you still needed to use the wall a lot

On the drive home Arizona doesn't say much and neither do you it was a pretty quiet car ride all the way home*

Meredith greets you as soon as you walk in

Mer: Hi! Oh my god, y/n Ive missed you so much! Come here

She runs up and gives you a big hug and it kind of startles you*

You: hi aunt Mer Ive missed you too how are the kids?

Mer: theyre doing great, do you want me to get them? there leaving tonight so its your last chance!

You: no actually Im pretty tired so I was just going to go lay down if thats ok

Mer: of course take as much time as you need they will be back tomorrow afternoon so you can see them then!

You both head upstairs into your room and Arizona grabs her computer to try and find a listing for a house you sit beside her and Arizona describes the houses to you after a while it was starting to get late and you go to the bathroom

You: Arizona!

Arizona: yeah what's up?

You: Arizona!

She jumps up out of bed and runs to the bathroom

Arizona: what's wrong are you ok?

She runs around the corner and your standing above the sink staring into the mirror*

Arizona: What's wrong with you, you're scaring me, are you ok?

You quickly turn around with a big smile on your face and tears in your eyes I can see

Arizona: what?

You: I can see! I can see everything!

Arizona: how did you-

You: I came to the bathroom and everything just became clear i don't know it just like someone took the blur effect off my eyes *you laugh*

Arizona: wait what colour pants am I wearing?

You: your not wearing any pants your in pajamas which for you means a shirt and underwear.. *you smile*

Arizona: oh my god you really can see! *she runs up to you and kisses you while you wrap your arms around her neck*

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