why? how?

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*you and Arizona have been married for almost a year and your both back at work*

Youre finishing up your last surgery and youre headed back up to the peds floor to look for Arizona*

You: Oh hey! Alex, have you seen Arizona?

Alex: no I saw her an hour ago when we were finishing up a surgery. Maybe she went to take a nap, maybe check the on-call rooms?

You: ok thanks!

You head over to the on-call rooms and you quietly open the door in case she was sleeping

You: Arizona *your heart drops and you feel like you cant move*

Arizona: oh god y/n i-

You: Save it.. *you storm out and run down the hallway with tears streaming down your face. You hear Arizona behind you y/n! Wait i swear-

You continue running turning every corner you can just trying to avoid her while trying to find your way outside it was hard to breathe it felt like your world was caving in on you and was trying to suffocate you. you manage to run outside and you run-up to a tree grasping onto your chest youre trying to breathe but your standing there out of breath and sobbing uncontrollably sobbing when amelia comes up behind you

Amelia: y/n i-

You: No. no Amelia youve done enough you can go back inside I cant look at you unless you want me to punch you..

Arizonas pov:

I had just finished surgery and I was going to the on-call room to take a nap before y/n was finished for the day she'll find me she always does I walked into the on-call room and Amelia runs in before the door could even close

Arizona: oh hi Amelia! Can I sleep on the bottom or do you want to?

Amelia: Im not here to sleep.

Arizona looks at Amelia confused*

Amelia pushes Arizona against the back wall kissing her when y/n walks in Arizona pushes her off and tries to explain what happened*

You: save it.. *y/n storms out and runs down the hall Arizona yells at Amelia*

Arizona: Amelia! Why would you do that? You know Im married you know Im happy! *she storms out to go find you*

Arizona: y/n wait i swear!

Amelia tries to explain herself*

Arizona: Shut up! You ruined everything! I and y/n were happy and know she might not want to ever talk to me again so just shut up and stay out of our lives youve done enough! *Arizona runs after you*

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