discharge time..

632 9 0

You spend the next few hours relaxing trying to get some sleep when Jo walks in

You: oh hey Jo.. whats up

Jo: ok first of all badass you ran into your abusers basement and saved your girlfriend love it! Also, how did I not know about her you know Im the girl to go to about that stuff Im always open to talk about it...

You: Im ok I dont really want to its in the past and right now I dont know how shes doing so I hope to keep it that way.. Id rather just start my new life with Arizona and pretend it never happened... * you look over at Arizona and smile* she smiles back

Jo: of course I understand also I need details about what happened if you can...

You: id rather not... It got pretty bad I can just say that *you look over at Arizona to see how shes doing and shes forcing one of her pity smiles at you..* when she lays down and falls asleep (it was clear she didnt want to talk about it..)

Jo: ok ok I get that but one last thing and its kinda big... And you dont have to make a decision right away but I would suggest that you chose sometime this week...

You: what's wrong your scaring me jo *you sit up in bed*

Jo: well you were umm Heathers last recorded girlfriend according to the government and right now she is on a vent and is struggling to stay alive...

You: pull her.

Jo and Arizona: what?

You: I know what youre going to say, Jo... its what you say to all the spouses before they have to choose whether or not to unplug them... And I say unplug her... I dont ever want to see her again. She hurt Arizona... in a way that she will never forget Arizona has permanent scares because of her because of me she was lucky enough to have Jackson sew her back up so there a good chance that they will go away but not for a few years

She also hurt her in a way that she can never forget... Mentally... Im sure that for the rest of her life Arizona will not forget this day and its because of me so Jo please just unplug her and donate everything I want to forget as much as possible if possible

Jo: of course... I totally get it... Do you want me to tell you when shes gone or...

You: yes, please...

Jo: of course I will be back soon...

You hear Arizona sniffle*

You: oh god... You were awake for that?

Arizona: yeah i couldnt sleep

You: Listen to Im so sorry for what she did to you its not fair and you should have never been put into that situation

Arizona: y/n Im not crying about that *she laughs*

You: then why are you crying?

Arizona turns back over to you and smiles while a tear falls down her face* i am just so lucky to have you... I heard that whole speech about how you couldnt forgive her for what she did to me when I was only down there for about 2 hours

You: oh right you heard all of that.. *you laugh* you werent supposed to

Arizona: no it was sweet i liked it... She reaches for your hand in between your two beds you reach out and grab her hand

Skip to 2 months later

Your finally able to leave and Arizona has been sleeping in the bed beside you since last month when she was technically discharged

You start to pack up all your stuff

You: thank you Arizona I know staying at the hospital isnt fun thank you for staying with me

Arizona: are you kidding of course anything for you she steps up behind you and grabs your waist kisses your neck when you spin around and landing a kiss on the lips

You: ha! You smile

Arizona: your smile really does Brighten everything up.

You both finish up packing and head back to the car you feel totally fine it was just the hospitals protocols to keep you there for that long and Arizona is back up on her feet just a little sore on her thighs

You: now are you finally ready to leave this place until we come to work here and say adios to the patient beds?

Arizona: so ready!

You get home and help Arizona up the stairs just as being an armrest you step inside

You: wow.. It feels weird to be back here

Arizona: oh no is it bad? We can go stay at Mers if you want she did offer just incase...

You: no no its not bad but its not good either its just weird like almost like its giving me a headache maybe I should just have some coffee.. you walk over to the coffee machine when Arizona grabs your hand and pulls you in by your waist and whispers in your ear.. I have a cure for headaches that dont involve coffee

You: oh you do hmm?

She pushes you onto the bed landing on top of you

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