Chapter 4

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"Remember the plan," Artemis gripped her twin's arm with no doubt painful force, "you go with your friends, I go with mine. I draw them away. Don't do something stupid."

Apollo shook off her arm and glared at her, "I'm not a moron," the way he said moron definitely implied that he thought she was, "I'll see you on the other side."

"Yeah," Artemis let go of his arm, and he disappeared in the crowd of students crammed in the passage of the train vying to get out.

"All right?" Ginny slipped her warm hand into Artemis's.

"Yeah, sure," Artemis was still staring off in the direction her brother went, brow furrowed and mind niggling.

"I still maintain that the hair looks smashing," Ginny offered, grinning and ruffling the blonde strands.

"I'm one set of horns away from being a bloody grindylow."

They took another small step with the crowd, and Ginny snorted out a laugh, "Please, you'd look fit with a shaved head, and you know it."

Artemis smirked saucily, "Maybe so, but I don't think we should test your theory."

They finally broke from the yolk of the train car and the mess of students. Artemis pulled her rucksack tighter to her shoulders as she hovered next to her friend, eyes scanning the area. There were a few wizards who seemed oddly out of place. And they were all staring directly at her. Ironically, the only place they weren't stationed was the barrier to the muggle world. As if they didn't even think of it.

She caught sight of a shock of red hair in the crowd, and her breath left her when she saw who it was.

George. Bugger.

"I - " Artemis was staring directly at him. Her hand unconsciously went to tug at her ear, "I should go now. Why are the twins here?"

Ginny glanced inconspicuously in the direction of her family. It was just the twins and Molly. The latter was scolding Fred for something. George was looking around edgily. He hadn't caught sight of her.

That was probably for the best.

"Merlin, if I know. Probably to keep Mum safe," Ginny waved her hand in the direction of the toilets and nodded.

The plan was in motion.

"Be seeing you, Gin," Artemis grinned at the redhead she'd become so close with over the years. She'd teased the younger witch about Dean and held her when she cried over Harry. And, in turn, Ginny had been there stoically throughout the mess of Artemis's life the past three months.

"Have fun in the toilets," Ginny winked, "I'll tell George you say hello."

There was a lump in Artemis's throat, "You do that."

And just like that, she was off, meandering in the direction of the toilets. She could feel the eyes on her. She glanced down at her hands and grimaced. During her breakdown the previous night, she'd filed her nails so they were just a tad sharper. Just in case.

Sweet Christ, what had her life become?

When she was halfway to the loo and a crowd of first years intercepted her path, she took her chance. She looked up and met the eyes of the closest wizard she suspected was a ministry official. He blinked, she winked. His brows furrowed.

She turned on the heel and darted for the barrier.

There was movement behind her, and spells flew over her shoulder as she zigged and zagged. She allowed herself one glance over her shoulder as she flew through the barrier, catching sight of the angry sneer on the face of the ministry official hot on her tail.

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