Chapter 19

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"What the hell are you doing here?"

Artemis crossed her arms defensively and glared right back at her brother, "What? Am I not allowed to check up on you?"

"No." Apollo grunted, stomping into an open closet and gathering a surprising number of brooms under his arm. His face had lost some of the baby fat that had been one of the only ways to distinguish the two of them and had shorn his hair shorter than she'd ever seen it. He looked older, hardened. His eyes were dead. 

His expression reminded her of what she saw when she looked into the mirror. 

"Is this not exhausting to you, Apollo?" Artemis groaned, throwing her hands into the air as she followed him through the winding halls of the old manor house that had been converted to an outpost to replace the Church. Every surface seemed to be covered with dust. Moats of the stuff flurried into the air as they stomped by. 

Apollo opened a door at the end of the hall. The room was filled with an alarming array of things. There was a rack that housed an impressive collection of rapiers against one wall, a brewing stand directly across the room, along with a few sick beds in the centre of the room, across from the rapiers Apollo set up the brooms in a line. The room was clearly a hub of operations. 

"Everything you do is exhausting," Apollo bit back snarkily. 

Artemis took hold of her twin's arm before he could shoulder by her, "Come off it, prick. This isn't a time for being a lofty arse because you think I'm stupid or irritating or not enough. Mum's gone — " her throat threatened to close on emotion, but she swallowed the lump, " — Christ knows what's gone on with Dad, and I thought we were straight. Get over whatever you're holding against me until we're either dead, or no longer being chased down. Then, we can have a nice long chat about how much you hate me in hell."

"I don't hate you," Apollo rolled his eyes, "your presence just happens to have the innate ability to make me feel like throwing things."

Artemis' answering smile was mocking, "feeling's mutual, you rat bastard."

The distinct sound of someone clearing their throat cut through the tension-filled glare-off the two had been wrapped up in. Apollo blinked first, turning his gaze to whoever had interrupted them. It was like a punch to the gut when Artemis witnessed his face change from empty fury to soft and open. She turned to see a rather uncomfortable-looking Eddie Carmichael standing in the open doorway, holding two steaming mugs. 

"I ... I uh brought the two of you a cuppa, but I can come back if you're busy — " Carmichael was already moving, ready to turn tail and run at the slightest provocation. 

"No, Eddie, it's fine," Apollo was swift to interject, swooping over to take a mug and sidle up close. He glared at Artemis, followed by a pointed look at the cup in Carmichael's other hand. 

Artemis raised her eyebrows but accepted the tea with a muttered 'thanks.' At the same moment, both twins took a slow sip of the tea, eyes narrowed at the other. 

Carmichael ran a hand through his already messy blonde hair. It had grown longer and curled at the ends. He shifted backwards slightly and pointed a thumb over his shoulder, "I think I'll just — "

"So," Artemis turned her narrowed gaze to him, "what are your intentions with my brother?"

Apollo spat out his tea. Carmichael went pink. Artemis raised her cup in toast and took a drink.


"Artemis, stop being a bitch."

She grinned, "I'll take that as naughty-naughty intentions."

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