Chapter 13

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The last week of March was eerily quiet. Angelina left to visit her best friend Alicia, leaving Lee and Artemis in the silent outpost. The two of them ended up filling their time practicing their duelling. There was something in the air that had the two of them spending hours on end brushing up on their skills tirelessly; something was coming. 

Artemis and Lee had just returned inside due to the lack of light when the silence was broken. A lynx of pure light bounded into the kitchen, leaping onto the bench and staring at the two of them through empty eyes. The two of them froze, watching the Patronus with bated breath. 

Kingsley's booming voice echoed in the small kitchen, "Harry Potter and his friends have been captured by the Dark Lord. The Essex Outpost has fallen, along with the Greater Manchester Refugee Safe House. Find shelter immediately."

Halfway between a sob and a gasp, a horrible noise filled the room as the Patronus dissolved and went dark. It took a moment for Artemis to register that the noise had come from her. Her hand flew to her heart, her entire body shaking. 

Essex. Manchester. Harry Potter.

"Angelina - Oliver ... Oh, God, Apollo."

Lee was staring at her with eyes so wide they looked as if they were about to pop out of his skull. They were both frozen in place. There had always been attacks, but nothing so close to home in months, not since Cheshire. 

The sound of the Floo flaring broke the spell. Instantly, Lee was stepping in front of her protectively. Artemis flicked her wrist, and her wand slipped into her hand. They slowly crept around the corner, wands raised defensively. 

Kingsley stood in the sitting room, a grim look on his face. His wand was raised, the tip lit up the dark room just enough to cast eerie shadows over the furniture. None of the three of them lowered their wands.

"What did you say to me when you found me in the New Forest, running for my life?" Lee's voice didn't waver as he stared up at the unofficial leader of the Order of the Phoenix. 

"That your talents could be better-suited fighting, rather than hiding like a child," his face betrayed no guilt.  Artemis flinched at the words. Kingsley was a stern man at times, but the words were almost cruel. Kingsley turned his flinty eyes on her, "What is the incantation for the curse I was hit with the day we met?" 

"We don't know. It's most likely a Death Eater invention. I bet Snape would tell you if you asked him nicely," Artemis frowned. Then, without missing a beat, she continued, "Is my brother dead? Are there any casualties?" 

Kingsley lowered his wand, "As far as we know, no, but we won't have an accurate idea for hours. There are injuries, though. I need you both to come with me." 

"Accio Medica," Artemis hummed. There was the distinct sound of multiple doors slamming open in the house to make way for her large trunk she'd stocked with every potion and paste she had ever researched. She nearly dropped her wand when she caught the heavy trunk in her arms. 

"Lee," Kingsley stalked towards the fireplace, "I need you to gather any one of the patrol volunteers who can be spared to do sweeps of the surrounding areas of Essex and Greater Manchester. Split into two teams. I want more fighters to the Manchester area to help secure the refugees. All injured are to be taken to the abandoned hotel in Gloucestershire." 

Lee didn't stumble once as he followed. Kingsley stood to the side as Lee went into the fire first, the green flame engulfing him when he called out, "Somerset Outpost!"

"Artemis," Kingsley shrunk the chest to the size of a lemon in her hand without even looking, "I want you to fetch Andromeda and bring her to the hotel. If there are any serious injuries, I will send someone to personally collect you and bring you to them."

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