Second Year

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Porridge flew at Artemis's face, nearly connecting. 

Thomas Williams had his wand raised as he vanished the flying food. 

"I'm going to murder you!" Artemis snarled at her brother, jumping from her chair. It slammed to the floor behind her. 

Apollo sneered, not even bothering to hide his actions, "I'd like to see you try with those skinny arms!" 

Agniya muttered under her breath in Russian. With that, Apollo's interest was piqued. He whipped his head to the side, taking stock of the muttered obscenities and filing them away in his stupid brain. After her mother had refused to teach her children her native tongue, claiming she would never allow them into a situation where it would be required, Apollo had taken it upon himself to go directly against her wishes. 

Artemis was sure that, after all the hours he spent with his nose buried in those stupid books, he had at least a small level of comprehension. The thought filled her with bubbling irritation that often accompanied thoughts of her twin. Like a cauldron boiling over, her anger got the best of her. 

Did he think he was better than her for going against their mother's express wishes? Did he think it made him smarter or more worthy of her love? 

Apollo's face was covered with porridge before he could wipe his moronic face of his hungry curiosity. 

Leaning back in her chair, with lips curled into a sneer, she surveyed her handiwork. Thomas groaned and started scolding the both of them. 

"And here I thought I missed your bickering when you were away at school," Agniya grumbled to herself, clearing the plates from the table by hand. She smiled affectionately but shook her head to herself, looking rather harried. 

"Merlin!" Thomas broke off from his lecture neither child had been paying much attention to, staring at the clock on the wall, "We're going to be late to the train if we don't leave immediately, not to mention the meeting I had scheduled with Dorian. Are we all packed and ready? Where are your trunks?" 

There was an explosion of movement as every member of the household bolted in other directions. Artemis ran up the spiral staircase, knowing full well the state of her room as well as her half-packed trunk. She peeked into the hall, making sure her parents weren't in view, then lifted her wand, executing a rather shoddy spell that crammed her things into her trunk, nearly braining her in the process. 

With every step she took down the stairs, her trunk thumped loudly behind her. Her father was standing in the entryway with her mother, speaking softly about work. A wave of triumph washed over her as she took stock of the fact she'd beaten her brother to the door.

"And Rolf is doing well? I suppose since he's been in Hogwarts, Dorian's absences aren't such — " Agniya broke off and took a step to the side, motioning for Artemis to join her father, "Don't drag your feet, Missy." 

Artemis shared a quick hug with her mother as her father stored her trunk into nothingness, a trick she had yet to learn. A moment later, her brother was ripping down the stairs, and they were off. 

Apparition was not wholly pleasant or unpleasant. The worst part of it was the way it churned one's stomach and felt as though the world was reaching out and attempting to keep everything stationary, not ripping through distances in a mere moment. 

When they cracked into existence on Platform 9 3/4, Artemis waited only for her father to conjure her trunk before she was running in the direction of her best friend, Emma, offering a half-hearted farewell over her shoulder. 

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of her brother hurrying over to his friends. Goldstein, Boot, and Corner, she recognized. When Boot made eye contact with her, she stuck out her tongue at him. 

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