Chapter 18

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"Lee!" Artemis snapped, her arm throbbing painfully in the wake of the stinging jinx he'd managed to land on her.

"Right," he cringed and ducked his head slightly in shame, "not the arms. Can't mess with the Healer's arms."

She shook her head as she clenched and unclenched her fingers, moving her wrist experimentally, "It's fine. I should probably get back to that new batch of Burn-Healing Paste I was planning on finishing today with that box of Shrake Spines Charlie sent from Romania."

Lee nodded and offered her a sharp salute, "You're getting better, Williams! Again this time tomorrow."

With a nod and a smile, she retreated into the outpost that had steadily begun to become her home over the time she'd spent there. Helping Lee find the right words for his broadcasts, finding Angelina in the kitchen with a tall glass of Firewhisky in her hand and a gleam in her eye, it was all becoming her new normal. She hadn't thought she'd see normal ever again.

Angelina was leaving the sitting room when Artemis passed. The two nearly crashed into each other, "Oh! You're back from patrol with Alicia?"

"Yeah," Angelina took ahold of Artemis' arm and tugged her into the kitchen, a solemn look on her pretty face. Angelina was always quick to smile. Like Lee. Like Fred. When the witch wore a frown, there was a distinct reason, "Look, when we were in London, we came across Dung."

"I'm not sure I'm following."

"Dung. Mundungus Fletcher. He's a right piece of shite. Used to be a part of the inner circle, but fled when Dumbledore died. His specialties are stealing, swindling, and spying. We didn't get much out of the lecherous fool before he slipped off, but he mentioned something about trials for people like us when this is all over," Angelica was talking very fast, her voice shrill and hands moving quickly, "He said You-Know-Who would want to make an example of us in his new world. I was just ... I was just thinking about your father."

The words were a blow to Artemis' stomach, "You think my father will be in these ... these trials? you're saying you think he's alive?"

"Merlin, it sounds insane, but yeah. There are so many people — " Angelina broke off and brushed her thumb over her mouth, "There's hope, Artemis."


It felt like there was a little flower blooming in Artemis' chest. One that, when open, emitted a soft glow like sunlight. That bright and shiny feel of true hope was so few and far between in such a dark time. She only really felt that way when she was with Ginny or George or Andromeda.

Angelina squeezed her arm and left, presumably to inform Lee of her discovery.

Artemis took a deep breath, putting a lid on her new delicate hope, hiding it deep in her mind lest she be blinded by it. She could dream at night. The day was for reality.

The cellar was not a place anyone but the likes of Severus Snape would enjoy spending time. It was windowless and had a distinct earthy scent, but it had become a comfort over time. It wasn't necessarily a welcome sight, but it was familiar. Small. Cozy.

The copper cauldron was the largest one she owned, so she hefted it forward and gave the inside a cursory inspection. Thankfully, it was free of dust or muck from any previous brewing projects. She poured a full bottle of Aloe Vera water into the cauldron and flicked her wand from her sleeve to light a flame beneath it.

Artemis flicked her wand up, then down.

Nothing happened.

"What — ?" She took a deep, steadying breath, then tried again, following it with the verbal incantation, "Incendio."

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