Chapter 23

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At McGonagall's distressed cry, Artemis took a hold of Cho's arm and dragged the stumbling girl faster down the hidden corridor. Her teeth were painfully on edge, but she had to get those too injured to fight to safety. 

Once everyone arrived and Artemis did a headcount, she tapped the barrel that led to the Hufflepuff common room, causing the door to swing open. Impatiently, she ushered the grey-faced witches and wizards forward. There were only a dozen or so who'd sustained injury barring them from fighting, but it was still a significant dent in the forces of the defenders of Hogwarts. 

Leaving Cho in charge, Artemis swept through the eerily quiet corridors that had been emptied of corpses but still were covered in dust and rubble. The closer she got to the courtyard, the more snippets of speech she heard. She recognized the high cold voice of Lord Voldemort, but her ears were rushing so loudly that she was past comprehension. 

The defenders of Hogwarts were standing in the mouth of the courtyard, battered and crestfallen, and facing an enemy that outnumbered them five to one. Artemis joined Madame Pomfrey in the back and stared at the scene that was playing out before them, her blood running colder than deepest currents in the Pacific ocean. 

Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, the wizard meant to save them all, was held limply in the hands of the half-giant Gamekeeper who was sobbing profusely. He was dead—their salvation. 

Artemis blinked. 

A black shape shattered through one of the tower windows and flew like a crow to perch on Voldemort's arm. But it wasn't a bird, no, it was the sorting hat. 

"There will be no more Sorting at Hogwarts School. There will be no more houses. The emblem, shield, and colours of my noble ancestor, Salazar Slytherin, will suffice for everyone, won't they, Neville Longbottom?" 

Artemis tore her gaze from the dark wizard's sneering face to take in Neville. Brave Neville Longbottom. He was stood stock still but was visibly fighting against the magical constraints, his face contorted in concentration. 

Voldemort flicked his wand, and the hat shot forward, tugged down hard onto Neville's head, obscuring his eyes and the tips of his ears. The snakelike features sported by the dark lord were twisted into a mask of superiority, barely concealing his sick glee, "Neville here is now going to demonstrate what happens to anyone foolish enough to continue to oppose me."

At the barest flick of his wand, the hat burst into flame. 

Artemis' hand flew to her chest, and her eyes burned painfully. 

Oh, Neville.

Before Artemis bowed to the urge deep within her core that begged her to run toward her classmate that was in pain and needing her, the world descended into a hellscape. A giant rounded the castle with a garbled battle cry, and dozens of fierce centaurs broke the treeline, galloping at speeds regular horses could never keep up with. The giants within the ranks of Death Eaters and dark creatures alike roared in retaliation. And once more, the sides clashed together like cymbals in a marching band. 

Raising her wand in time to send Pomfrey flying out of the way of a jet of green light, Artemis steeled herself and truly dove into the chaos of the battle. 

Artemis had fought before during the Manchester Massacre, and she'd also been practicing her duelling with Lee nearly every day when they had the time for weeks. Still, it would never live up to the pandemonium that was the courtyard. It was worse than it had been before the hour-long armistice. The fighting was concentrated in a small space, and spells exploded in every direction. 

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