Chapter VIII : Cash In

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I hate leaving, me and Nadir was just dreaming of each other. I'll just leave a note telling him I was with Meeka. I drive into the parking lot where the dock was. Tyrone signalling me to come move the stuff of the ship.

As I load the car up, It's cold as fuck in this place. All I thought about was being up under NJ where It's warm. My thoughts was running crazy, I manage to get 6 bags in the trunk. Soon as I close the trunk I hear sirens coming, so me and Monta got in our cars and headed back to the mansion. It seems like we're the only two that made.

"Tyrone, me and Monta got bags, but the cops came and we was the only ones to get away."

"Don't worry about it just get here."

"Got it."
We made it to the mansion and parked the cars underground. The guards helped us carry 14 bags of cocaine in Tyrone office.

"You two did Good. 14 bags ain't bad. I'll get back to y'all in a week."
I manage to get back before Nadir wakes up. It's 5am Good thing I take afternoon /evening class. I kiss him on the cheek just because I want to do it. I cuddled under him like I never left.

I wake and see my lady right up under me. She so beautiful when she sleeps almost like angel. I walk to the table and look through my phone. I see all of Candii pictures and can't help, but be in awe.

"Morning my king"

"Hey How'd you sleep ?"

"Good. What we doing today?"

"How bout lunch at TGI Friday's, before you head to school."

"That be nice."

We ride to Fridays, I didn't even tell her that I'm the store manager of Champs now. Hope she don't jump over the table and attack me. I notice she been studying real hard That's why I feel like we go out to eat.

We sit down at a table, I told Layla that she can get What she want, except the whole restaurant. We got our food early and ate up almost a eating contest. After we ate we just looked at each holding each other hand.

"Bae I got news."

"What is it? "

"A few days ago I walked out of worked and cashed in."

"I don't get it Nadir"

"Candii,  I cashed in on my new position as the new store manager. Shanda moved to Kids Foot Locker."

"Bae OMG, are you serious? I'm so proud of you."

By surprised she didn't jump on me or she probably waiting to get home from school.

As we ride home I couldn't help, but smile that Nadir is promoted. I have to hurry and get ready to be at school. Even though I always get there early.  It's the 3rd week of the semester and I feel pretty much Good. Nadir would do anything to help me from buying my supplies to helping on projects. I love him I don't know What I do without him.

So while Layla is at school, I decided to see the local basketball game at the high school. I haven't been to a game since college in Cali.  I see It's they homecoming game I remember I use to be part of that. By no surprise I see Chris. He was the third star on the basketball team, but couldn't make the jump to the league, because he was too short. He stood 6'0 while the rest of us stood 6'4 or taller. We kept in contact cause he feel I should be part of his coaching staff.
I send Nadir a text telling him I'll be late to dinner. Tyrone called me saying come to the mansion,  It's only 6pm I got Time hopefully. As I ride I hear about the night I ran from the ship. They was saying 5 of em was getting 5 year prison sentences. Good thing I got out, lord knows if I didn't make it home What would NJ do. I pull up on the driveway than walked in the mansion. I see Tyrone looking out the window wondering What's going on.

"Candii, you been one of my helpful soldiers. I decided to cash you in and give you your share."

Wondering What the fuck he talking, he threw a bag at my feet.

"Take this now get the fuck out."

Tyrone is being an ass. Probably didn't get no pussy from that bitch he always be with. So I took the bag and went to the car. I wonder What's in Here. I look. In side, it was $1.2 million. I quickly zipped it back up and went home to hide it. I walked in and my mom was in her room so, I quickly went to hide the money.

"Layla? What are you doing?"

"Mom, um I was...... "

"Is this money? Where the fuck did you get this?"

I couldn't lie to my mom. I sat her down to explain the drug ring I became part of. I told her I need the money to get her and Randy out of Florida. I never seen my mother cry before, it gave me a sick feeling that I lied to her, but even to Nadir to as Well.  She told me that I had to come to grips with that lifestyle and end it or I Cash In with consequences.

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