Chapter 1- The dream

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Shout out to WendyDarlingx for the new cover! I like it! :D


They pull at me. Tug at my clothes, my hair. Their long claws bite deep into my skin and tear down to leave long, ragged cuts. Blood streamed from them and I fought so hard for release. The shadows were everywhere. The room pitch black. I could see no floor, no walls, but mainly- no escape. I stumbled forward, trying to break the shadowy bonds but they wove around me tighter. They pulled at my waist, dragging me to the ground. I was sure they'd consume me, right then. I would see nor feel nothing. Just see the smokey wisps rise over my head and suffocate me, travelling up my nose, in my mouth and down my throat until I could breathe no more. I cried out. Begged for release, for a saviour. But no one came. I gave in, hung my head and just waited for the choking to begin. It started as slow, flexing tendrils climbing towards my face and then the smokey, tickling sensation travelling backwards through my nose. My mouth was invaded with the taste of charcoal and soon I was spluttering, gasping. I tried another attempt to cry for help but it came out as more of a wretch. 

Just when I thought I would succumb, I saw a pale gathering of mist just before me. As I watched, it took form and shape. It gained dimensions and features until a young girl (just older than me) stood before me. I pleaded to her with my eyes. "Help me." I chocked. She stood motionless for a moment and then extended a pale, almost translusent, hand towards me. I struggled to my feet against the dark bonds. i stretched out my bloodied fingertips towards her. The darkness fought me. Just before I touched her, a thick, whip of black shot out from the ground and wrapped itself around my right wrist, pulling my arm tight across my chest. The girl frowned, a small crease froming between her brows. I began to sob, realising my chances of escape. Just then the girl screamed, throwing her hands out to her sides. A high pitched squeal rang out through the dark. The bonds released me and I put my hands to my ears trying to block the sound. The girl grew brighter, her long hair floating around her. Her light pushed at the shadows, flattening them to the ground and walls. But still it didn't stop. The scream continued, the light pushing continuosly at the shadows until they'd recceded through the walls and floor. The room that was left was beautiful. Pure white walls and cieling, but the floor made of smooth, polished marble. Soon her light grew less until just the girl was there. She had no shine and her hair fell loosely over her shoulders. Again she beckoned to me nad this time nothing held me back. I stepped forward and grasped her hand like a drowning man might do a life raft. She smiled at me and held me close. But then she began to fade. I grabbed for her, pulled at the pale mist. Soon she was nothing more than a memory.

My eyelids snapped open and I sat bolt-upright. My pillow was wet from sweat and sheets twisted. I looked around me at the pale yellow walls and blue carpet. The moonlight cast a ghostly glow about me. I looked across at my bedside table, to the picture. There we are. Mum leaning on Dad's shoulder. Me sat in front of them smiling that big, cheesey grin that you do when you're young. And then her, the girl fom the dream, staring straight ahead with a smile so small, it's almost as if she's trying to keep it a secret. But I see it. I always have. I stand up and walk to the window. This is the fourth time this week I've had this dream, but still it terrifies me. Still I wake up in a cold sweat, my eyes wet. I take long, deep breathes and feel my pulse calm. I walk back to my bed. I know I won't sleep again tonight, but I may aswell try. I pull a thick blanket off my reading chair and wrap it around me. It smells of her. The girl. I close my eyes but all I see is white walls, white floor, white girl.

Goodbye, sis! *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now