Chapter 6- Not alone

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"Are you ready for this?" I ask Max as he puts my bike on its stand in the garage. We were reluctant to get off the bike. To move. It was weird. Almost like we didn't want to let go of each other. I was the first to move, sliding my hands off his waist. But still he didn't get off. I sighed inwardly and climbed off the bike and stood beside it. Max followed my example and I ran ahead to open the garage.

"Suppose I'll have to be." He stands beside me as I close the garage and then turns to go to the door. I grab his arm to pull him back.

"You don't have to do this. I can deal with it. You go home." I smile reassuringly at him. He looks me in the eyes.

"I promised that guy back at the club-"

"Scott." I supply.

"Scott that I would stick up for you with your parents. And besides, you need me."

"I do?" We're stood about a breathe apart and I can feel the heat of his on my face. He bends close so his lips brush my ear.

"Or maybe it's the other way around." He pulls back and stands to the side, gesturing for me to lead the way. I quickly walk up the walkway my cheeks burning. It's about three in the morning. My parents will probably be thinking the worst which doesn't help my situation. I look back over my shoulder at Max and he smiles encouragingly. I put my key in the lock with a shaky hand and open the door. Just as I feared the lights are on and I can see my Mum and Dad sat across from each other at the table. They jump to their feet when they hear me and Max walk in. Dad storms up to me.

"Where the hell have you been? And why have you brought a boy home with you?" Dad's red faced and is glaring at Max. I take a deep breath.

"Dad, this is Max. Max this is my Dad and this is my Mum. Dad, Max is just a friend" Is he though? "and believe me you're really gonna like him in a minute." Mum and Dad look at each other confused.


It ended up like this: Dad shouting the whole time about how he was going to the police right that very second (though he didn't). He seemed to calm down a bit though when I told him my interview with them was tomorrow and Carrey had taken my statement to them tonight. Mum just sat and cried constantly repeating the words "my poor girl". Max and me just sat next to each other on the sofa speaking when we could trying to calm the situation.

"Well I think we've established that you're never going there again." Dad said as though it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Excuse me?" I say confused.

"Ash, you can't seriously expect me to let you continue working there."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Well I'm sorry but I kinda do. I can't cling to your apron strings forever. It was a freak event that happened. Nothing like this will ever happen again. Scott's gone into over-protective mode, you know how he is. And there's Max!"

Dad crosses is arms over his chest and frowns down at Max. "What exactly is he going to do?" I feel my face turn red as anger bubbles inside me.

"Dad, Max is the one who saved me. Not Scott, Max." Dad stares at me a minute then looks at Max.

"And what exactly were you doing following my daughter around?" Unbelievable! 

"Oh my God! There really is no winning with you! He wasn't following me! He just happened to be at the club!" I shriek. I grab Max's right wrist and hold up his hand so my Dad can see it. "See this Dad? He did this to himself saving me. He hurt his hand because he punched the guy so hard. The dude didn't have a chance against him! Tell him Max!" I lay his hand down and wait.

Goodbye, sis! *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now